K významu humanitního vzdělávání. Pohled středoškolských učitelů v meziválečném Československu
Title Alternative:The Importance of Humanities Education. The Perspective of Secondary School Teachers in Interwar Czechoslovakia
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Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského
Technická univerzita v Liberci, Fakulta přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogická
Technická univerzita v Liberci, Fakulta přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogická
The text The Importance of Humanities Education. The Perspective of Secondary School Teachers in Interwar Czechoslovakia reconstructs the perspective of secondary school teachers in interwar Czechoslovakia on the question of the role of humanities education. The analysis is led with respect to the teachers’ efforts to discuss both the school reform and the reform of society. The teachers’ struggle to advance humanities education with respect to the development of democratic socio-political life in Czechoslovakia, as well as to help students be ready for an active civic and professional role in their lives, are thematized. The article points out that Czechoslovak secondary school teachers, through their activities and beliefs, were able to justify the relevance of a humanities education both within their professional group and to the broader public, despite the fact that industrialization, modernization, and democratization of society placed the ideals of classical humanities education of the 19th century under intense critique.
humanities education, interwar period, Czechoslovakia, school reform