Číslo 2/2023

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    Pedagogical Discourse on the Reform of General Secondary Education in Soviet Ukraine through the Prism of Child Protection in the 1920s: the Struggle against Unification
    (Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Berezivska, Larysa; Technická univerzita v Liberci
    The article reveals the leading ideas of Ukrainian teachers and civil leaders (V. Arnautov, Ya. Chepiha, T. Harbuz, H. Ivanytsia, Ya. Riappo, M. Skrypnyk, O. Zaluzhnyi, etc.) on reforming school education for the sake of development and protection of a child in the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic (USSR) in the 1920s. It has been proven that after the defeat of the Ukrainian Revolution (1917–1921) and the capture of the territory of Ukraine by the Bolsheviks, the pedagogical discourse focused on the idea of creating a new labour school. It should be based on the following principles: labour, active, social education to protect the child, communist, the principle of Ukrainization and at the same time the imposition of Russification, etc. Ukrainian educators, looking for active methods of teaching children in a labour school, turned mainly to European and world pedagogical science (A. Binet, J. Dewey, F. Freeman, G. Kerschensteiner, E. Meumann, P. Natorp, F. Seidel, Ch. Spearman, W. Stern, L. Terman, E. Thorndike etc.). Pedagogical discourse was aimed at opposing the unification of school education according to the Russian model. The policy of Ukrainization was effective, so the all-Union authorities intensified ideological pressure, seeking to curtail this process. The struggle for the Ukrainian school ended tragically for Ukrainian teachers. This eloquently testifies to how the Soviet ideology during the reform used the ideas of social protection of the child, Ukrainization of the educational process to establish its own ideological and socio-political goals of the totalitarian society.
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    The Academic Reception of Austrian, German and Swiss Reform Pedagogy Representatives in Hungarian Educational Science in the Interwar Period. Quantitative Content Analysis of the Magyar Paedagogia (1918–1939)
    (Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Szabó, Zoltán András; Technická univerzita v Liberci
    By remarkably dissenting from the contemporary mainstream educational thinking, reform pedagogy played a pivotal role in shaping the educational landscape of Europe and North America. This influence was also reflected in the professional periodicals of these geographical areas. Focusing on the Central European macroregion, my paper aims at examining the references to the different representatives of three (at least partly German-speaking) countries’ reform pedagogy within the pages of the prominent Hungarian educational journal, Magyar Pedagógia (Hungarian Pedagogy). The study applied computer-assisted deductive content analysis in order to identify the key figures of reform pedagogy in the text of the journal. The results indicate a notable increase in the number of the mentions subsequent to the Trianon Treaty. These reform pedagogy representatives frequently co-occurred in the same writings, with the work school (Arbeitsschule) being highlighted as a key nexus where their ideas converged.
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    K významu humanitního vzdělávání. Pohled středoškolských učitelů v meziválečném Československu
    (Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Kasperová, Dana; Kasper, Tomáš; Technická univerzita v Liberci
    The text The Importance of Humanities Education. The Perspective of Secondary School Teachers in Interwar Czechoslovakia reconstructs the perspective of secondary school teachers in interwar Czechoslovakia on the question of the role of humanities education. The analysis is led with respect to the teachers’ efforts to discuss both the school reform and the reform of society. The teachers’ struggle to advance humanities education with respect to the development of democratic socio-political life in Czechoslovakia, as well as to help students be ready for an active civic and professional role in their lives, are thematized. The article points out that Czechoslovak secondary school teachers, through their activities and beliefs, were able to justify the relevance of a humanities education both within their professional group and to the broader public, despite the fact that industrialization, modernization, and democratization of society placed the ideals of classical humanities education of the 19th century under intense critique.
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    Pädagogisierung der Verletzlichkeit – Historiografische Perspektiven
    (Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Heinze, Carsten; Technická univerzita v Liberci
    In the history of education, the vulnerability of children and young people has hardly been taken into account, although it must be considered as a crucial condition for educational action. This paper argues that the historical analysis of the individually differentiated and socially conditioned vulnerability of children and young people allows for a reinterpretation of the history of education. Consideration will be given to the ways in which vulnerability as an analytical dimension can be developed in this context.