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- Item15 pohledů na školskou matematiku. Jak to vidíme(The Union of czech mathematicians and physicists, ) Blažková, Růžena; Jednota českých matematiků a fyzikůRecenze publikace autorů Františka Kuřiny a Nadi Vondrové 15 pohledů na školskou matematiku: jak to vidíme, kterou vydalo v roce 2022 nakladatelství Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy.
- Item1918 – die Zeit der großen Schulreformprogramme in Österreich: Reformpädagogik und Geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik im Wettstreit(Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Grimm, Gerald; Technická univerzita v Liberci1918 – the Time of Major School Reform Programs in Austria: New Education and Humanities Pedagogy in Competition In 1918 Austria was changed into a democratic republic. Despite the difficult political and economic situation at the end of the First World War self-confident and future oriented school reform programs were developed in Austria. Influences of international New Education as well as of German Humanities Pedagogy can be determined. The Social Democrats under the leadership of Otto Glöckel, influenced by the ideas and concepts of New Education (such as “learning by doing”), postulated the creation of one comprehensive school (“Allgemeine Volksschule”) up to the age of 14 in order to realize equal opportunity. The Christian Socials on the other side were influenced by ideas of the German Humanities Pedagogy and advocated under the Leadership of Alois Höfler and Richard Meister for maintaining the variety of types of secondary education at level I: “Volksmittelschule”, “Untergymnasium”, “Unterrealschule”. Because of these great differences no agreement on a school reform program could be realized. Nevertheless in 1927 a compromise was decided: the “Haupt and Mittelschulgesetz”. But type diversity in the field of secondary education remains and characterizes the Austrian school system even in the 21st century.
- Item20 let vývoje české ekonomiky - srovnání se Slovenskem(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2014-03-04) Hájek, Ladislav; Režný, Lukáš; Ekonomická fakultaSince the establishment of two independent republics in 1993 Slovakia has developed compared to the Czech Republic significantly faster pace. During the last 20 years the gross domestic product (GDP) was increased only by 67.9% in the Czech Republic, while in the Slovak Republic for the same period by 128%, i.e. more than twice compared with the CR. Much faster economic growth of Slovakia can be only partly explained by the lower initial level of economic development. The rapid economic development in Slovakia was mainly based on different concepts and enforcement of fiscal policy, on lower overall tax burden and therefore on a lower level of redistribution (lower share of public expenditure in GDP) and more favourable conditions for business. The differences between the Czech and Slovak economies growth rates are the expression of various concepts, objectives and government economic policy efficiency. Slovak economic policy for the whole period 1993-2012 in terms of GDP per capita and in terms of convergence to the European Union (EU) seems to be more pragmatic and successful.
- Item27. ročník Semináře o výuce matematiky pro učitele SŠ a 2. stupně ZŠ(Technical University of Liberec, ) Ferdiánová, Věra; Jednota českých matematiků a fyzikůKrátka zpráva o 27. ročníku Semináře o výuce matematiky pro středoškolské a základoškolské učitele a pozvánka na další ročník 2.2.2024
- ItemA 2D CELLULAR AUTOMATON MODEL OF LIQUID ABSORPTION INTO PAPER FIBERS WITH HYDROPHOBIC TREATMENT(Technical University of Liberec, ) KŘÍŽ, VÍTĚZSLAV; KŘÍŽOVÁ, HANA; KOCICH, MARTIN; DALÍKOVÁ, JOHANA; Technická univerzita v LiberciIn this work, the issue of applying water or a homogeneous aqueous suspension with a uniform size of (nano)particles (e.g., ink) to the surface of SBSK (southern bleached softwood kraft) paper with randomly arranged local hydrophobic treatment is investigated and then simulated. Based on the two investigated models, various simulation approaches were compared, an own simulation model was created, and its validity was subsequently demonstrated on the experiments performed.
- Item3d images and proportionality of the human body(Technická univerzita v Liberci, Česká republika, 2014-01-01) Nejedlá, MarieCílem článku je poukázat na principy proporcionality a posouzení proporcionality lidského těla na základě 3D digitálního obrazu získaného scanováním povrchu lidského těla. Měření prováděné na postavě v digitální podobě vychází z principů uplatňovaných v normě ČSN 80 0090 a z osminového členění výšky postavy. Výsledky měření uskutečněné na souboru 30 mladých žen vyjadřují statistické charakteristiky, korelace a normální Gaussovo rozdělení doplněné grafickým vyobrazením. Výzkum ukázal, že osminové členění lze použít pro oděvní účely spíše orientačně. V rovinách osminového členění není možné měřit obvodové rozměry, neboť anatomicky neodpovídají místům na těle a jejich výsledky by ovlivnily standardizaci a rozměrovou typologii postav. Mohou však být orientací pro tvorbu oděvu s ideálními proporcemi lidského těla, ale i umělce, designéry a specialisty.
- ItemA composite index to measure sustainability of supply chain management in construction companies(2024-08-16) Cataldo, Ieva; Banaitiene, Nerija; Banaitis, AudriusCompanies in the construction sector are increasingly aware of the importance and challenges of sustainability. In recent years, construction companies have introduced some sustainability initiatives and have embraced the concept of sustainability indicators. However, measuring a company’s performance on a wide range of sustainability indicators is challenging. Integration of supply chain sustainability indicators is required. This article presents a methodology for easily consolidating existing supply chain indicators into a single analysis that requires minimal resources. First, the list of 38 sustainability indicators of the supply chain was defined and divided into 7 sustainability groups. The experts were then asked to rank the sustainability groups and the supply chain sustainability indicators within each group according to their importance using the rank sum weighting method. The survey questionnaire was distributed to the respondents via paper or email to 24 academics and top/middle managers of construction companies. Global normalized weights were employed to determine the final indicator rankings. For normalization, target values were suggested for each indicator. Finally, a composite sustainability index for a construction company’s supply chain was developed. The developed composite sustainability index provides a global view of sustainable supply chain management in construction companies, allowing supply chain indicators to be related to their objectives. The developed composite index can be used by supply chain managers in construction companies to assess their organization’s contribution to supply chain sustainability.
- ItemAbnehmende Bedeutung des Übergangs zwischen Kindes- und Jugendalter durch vermehrte Lateinschulbildung im Mittelalter?(Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Richard-Elsner, Christiane; Technická univerzita v LiberciJ. Hajnal set up the these that the Western European marriage pattern was characterized by a relatively late marriage in broad strata of the population below the elites. The adolescence, the long period between sexual maturity and marriage, was often spent in the service of a foreign household. I examined the view on children in popular, didactic texts aimed at urban laypeople, comparing sources from around 1300 with those from around 1500. Hajnal’s foregoing finding is primarily supported by the early sources. From adolescence on, the terms for young people changed from gender-unspecific “kint [child]” to “kneht” or “meit”. These youths are mostly mentioned as servants. By 1500, there were significantly more Latin schools than by 1300 and they did no longer serve the sole purpose of providing clerics. The examined sources from this period deal mainly with the socialization of boys to erudition; that of girls and unlearned boys, still the majority of adolescents, is mentioned only in passing. A different gender-specific socialization of “sun [son]” and “tochter [daughter]” appears to be a more important aspect than the break between childhood and adolescence in the life cycle.
- ItemAbout the thermal conductivity of multi-layer clothing(Technická univerzita v Liberci, Česká republika, 2013-01-01) Reiners, Priscilla; Kyosev, YordanMěření tepelné vodivosti textilních struktur pro oblečení je stále velkou výzvou. Důvodem je, že tyto hodnoty jsou na hranici spodního rozsahu stávajícího vybavení současných zkušebních zařízení, nebo i nižší. Na druhé straně je ale vyžadována optimalizace tepelného komfortu oděvů. Pánské i dámské oděvy jsou vytvářeny z několika vrstev, a pouze s kompletními informacemi o každé vrstvě jsou možné složitější výpočty a kalkulace. Tato práce prezentuje část rozsáhlejších experimentálních studií, týkajících se Rct hodnot tkaných a pletených struktur sestávajících z několika vrstev. Byla změřena stlačitelnost a tloušťka jednotlivých vrstev i vícevrstvých struktur. V obou případech byla použita standardní testovací zařízení a provedena analýza příčného řezu vrstev zalitých do pryskyřice. Za účelem zkoumání vlivu vzduchu mezi několika vrstvami byly Rct hodnoty pěti vrstev se stejnou strukturou odhadnuty pomocí zařízení PERMETEST společnosti Sensora. Byly zjištěny a statisticky prokázány jisté korelace mezi hodnotami Rct, počtem vrstev a objemem vzduchové vrstvy mezi jednotlivými vrstvami. Různé kombinace vrstev materiálů používaných na běžné ošacení, od spodního prádla po vrchní vrstvy oděvů, byly experimentálně analyzovány a porovnány s teoreticky vypočtenými hodnotami.
- ItemThe Academic Reception of Austrian, German and Swiss Reform Pedagogy Representatives in Hungarian Educational Science in the Interwar Period. Quantitative Content Analysis of the Magyar Paedagogia (1918–1939)(Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Szabó, Zoltán András; Technická univerzita v LiberciBy remarkably dissenting from the contemporary mainstream educational thinking, reform pedagogy played a pivotal role in shaping the educational landscape of Europe and North America. This influence was also reflected in the professional periodicals of these geographical areas. Focusing on the Central European macroregion, my paper aims at examining the references to the different representatives of three (at least partly German-speaking) countries’ reform pedagogy within the pages of the prominent Hungarian educational journal, Magyar Pedagógia (Hungarian Pedagogy). The study applied computer-assisted deductive content analysis in order to identify the key figures of reform pedagogy in the text of the journal. The results indicate a notable increase in the number of the mentions subsequent to the Trianon Treaty. These reform pedagogy representatives frequently co-occurred in the same writings, with the work school (Arbeitsschule) being highlighted as a key nexus where their ideas converged.
- ItemAcademix Revue 2023_1(2023-03-20) Trčka, MichalVětšina textů v revue se drží pozice, podle které je nutné z důvodu možného způsobení újmy jiným lidem, třeba nenávistnými projevy, svobodu slova nějak regulovat. Visí tak ve vzduchu otázka, kde leží hranice nenávistných projevů, ale rovněž, kdy by mělo být způsobení újmy hodnoceno samo o sobě, a ne spolu s újmou zvažována i regulace pro svobodu slova? Několik textů pak míří směrem k absolutní pozici a argumentuje ve prospěch co nejmenších omezení této svobody. * Rozhovor s Ondřejem Slačálkem * Kritika absolutismu v otázce svobody slova Tomáše Koblížka * Debata: Svoboda projevu (Růžička vs. Káčer, Steuer, Handl) * Recenzní esejistika: ke knihám Poslední utopie a Nenávist * Eseje: od cancel culture přes trestní právo ke Kerouacovi * Vzpomínky na Petra Rezka * ilustrace Zuzany Bramborové * a mnoho dalšího...
- ItemAccess to finance: innovative firms’ perceptions in post-transition EU members(Technical university of Liberec, Czech Republic, 2017-03-15) Botrić, Valerija; Božić, Ljiljana; Ekonomická fakultaThe post-transition EU member countries generally have to catch up with EU most developed economies in many aspects. Access to finance problems in these countries are potentially harmful to development of entrepreneurship, innovation performance and overall growth, leading to further lagging behind more advanced market economies. In this paper we analyse perceptions on access to finance in post-transition EU member countries. Special focus in the paper has been put on the differences between innovative and non-innovative firms. Furthermore, we seek to identify the characteristics of the firms that contribute to the gap formation. Empirical analysis in this paper relies on the latest available Business Environment Survey (BEEPS V), covering the 2012-2013 period. The sample in this study consists of 3,393 firms from eleven central and eastern European countries – EU members (Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia). The analysis expectedly revealed that innovative firms perceive financing constraints to be more important for their business, but somewhat unexpectedly the differences across countries are present. Although access to finance is more likely to be perceived as a problem by innovative firms, the firms that are either a segment of larger enterprise or established as joint venture, in general have less problems in financing their activities. When exploring the contributors to the perceptions in access to finance gap, only one variable proved to be important – female top management. It seems that if female top managers were more equally distributed between innovative and non-innovative firms, the perceptions on access to finance gap would be smaller.
- ItemAccessible tourism for all – current state in the czech business and non-business environment(Technical university of Liberec, Czech Republic, 2017-12-20) Linderová, Ivica; Janeček, Petr; Ekonomická fakultaTourism is a sector of remarkable economic importance. Nowadays, new ways to develop tourism are being discovered. One of them is accessibility and social policy aspects. The aim of the paper is to map the possibilities for people with physical disabilities to participate in tourism in the Czech Republic. Following the aim, the article hypothesizes the existence of an interdependence between the number of visitors and the number of accessible accommodation establishments. At the same time, a hypothesis forms that in regions with a higher share of accommodation establishments of classes **** (First Class) and ****** (Luxury) there will be a higher number of barrier-free accommodation establishments available. It assesses the situation in all administrative regions while focusing on coverage of the territory with the capacity of accommodation establishments and restaurant & catering facilities, on the existence of accessible educational trails, tourist routes, and cycle routes. The article is also interested in possibilities to visit UNESCO world heritage sites. On the basis of the conducted analysis, it is possible to conclude that the situation in the Czech Republic in the area of accessible tourism is not particularly positive. The average share of barrier-free accommodation establishments in the country is 11% and 12% in restaurant&catering establishments. The most accessible routes, cycle routes, etc., are found in regions with national parks or attractive natural sites, such as Český ráj, Krkonoše, Šumava, and České Švýcarsko. The situation in the Czech Republic in the area of providing disabled people with tourism services is improving in comparison with the past.
- ItemThe Action of the Saint Sava Society on the Formation of Identity among Serbs in Old Serbia and Macedonia(Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Nikolova, Maja; Technická univerzita v LiberciThe Serbs in Old Serbia and Macedonia in the late 19th century, in national terms, were not recognized by the Turkish authorities. Their position in this region made it difficult for the Bulgarian and Greek propaganda and armed troops of Albanians, so the Serbs had to struggle to defend themselves and defend their national identity. One aspect of this struggle was the educational and cultural activity reflected in the establishment and development of the Serbian primary and secondary schools, the establishment of bookstores, and church-school communities. Support in all this was given by t he educational institutions, which had the task of minimizing foreign influences and using the potentials at their disposal to achieve national integrity. Thanks to their existence, at least for a short time, it seemed that the prevailing attitude was that the Serbs in those areas at the same time formed a bridge and an insurmountable gap between East and West. Besides the State government, support in dealing with educational issues was given by the Saint Sava Association established at the initiative of Svetomir Nikolajevic, professor of History and Literature at the Great School. Academic, political, and national activities of the Association were expressed through the establishment and work of Saint Sava evening, Preparatory and Theological-Teaching School in Belgrade.
- ItemAdaptive inexact newton methods with a posteriori stopping criteria(Technická univerzita v Liberci, Česká republika, 2012-01-01) Ern, Alexandre; Vohralík., Martinspline-wavelet basis and a method for an inexact multiplication of wavelet stiffness matrix with
- ItemAdaptive wavelet scheme for convection-diffusion equations(Technická univerzita v Liberci, Česká republika, 2012-01-01) Černá, Dana; Finěk, VáclavOne of the most important part of adaptive wavelet methods is an efficient approximate multi- plication of stiffness matrices with vectors in wavelet coordinates. Although there are known algorithms to perform it in linear complexity, the application of them is relatively time con- suming and its implementation is very difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a well- conditioned wavelet basis with respect to which both the mass and stiffness matrices are sparse in the sense that the number of nonzero elements in any column is bounded by a constant. Then, matrix-vector multiplication can be performed exactly with linear complexity. We present here a wavelet basis on the interval with respect to which both the mass and stiffness matrices corresponding to the one-dimensional Laplacian are sparse. Consequently, the stiffness matrix corresponding to the n-dimensional Laplacian in tensor product wavelet basis is also sparse. Moreover, the constructed basis has an excellent condition number. In this contribution, we shortly review this construction and show several numerical tests.
- ItemAddressing Income Inequality in Vietnam’s Northern Midlands and Mountains: A Focus on Fiscal Policy Factors(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, ) Ho, Lien H.; Benešová, Irena; Ekonomická fakultaThe Northern Midlands and Mountains constitute one of Vietnam’s six economic regions, yet it faces the lowest average income among the top 3 regions, with an average of only 1.613.000VND/month in 2014. Moreover, this region experiences the highest level of income inequality, as indicated by a Gini index of 0.42 in 2020. The study highlights that increased income inequality can lead to a decline in the region’s economic growth, significantly impacting the province’s GDP. The research emphasizes income redistribution as one of the essential functions of fiscal policy, alongside its roles in supporting macroeconomic stability and promoting overall growth. This research analyses and identifies the interplay between fiscal policy factors and income disparity to tackle the Northern Midlands and Mountains income inequality. The study utilizes panel data compromising 7,980 observations. Notably, the findings underscore the potential of increased investment and enhanced household education as critical factors for improving income inequality and fostering economic growth in the region. By considering these factors, Vietnamese economic strategists can devise effective measures to mitigate inequality and foster sustainable regional development.
- ItemADVERTISING STRATEGY ACCORDING TO THE CONCEPT OF THE FCB MODEL IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE VARIOUS GENERATIONS(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, ) Matušínská, Kateřina; Stoklasa, Michal; Ekonomická fakultaThe aims of the paper are: 1) to verify the validity of the traditional theoretical definition of the Foote, Cone & Belding (FCB) model based on the use of representative products concerning the age (generation) and gender of the selected target group in the conditions of the Czech Republic, and 2) to verify the validity of defined advertising strategies in the traditional theoretical conception of the Foote, Cone & Belding (FCB) model with the current level of acceptance and perception of advertising within the defined selected target group according to age (generation) and gender in the conditions of the Czech Republic. To meet both aims, both secondary and primary marketing research was implemented. The theoretical background of the paper is based on knowledge of marketing communication principles in general with emphasis on advertising theories. The greatest attention is focused on the traditional version of the FCB model which is based on a matrix of consumer thinking–feeling and high–low involvement behaviours and proposes four advertising strategies. Primary research data were obtained using a questionnaire, on the online panel of research agency Ipsos, on 1,100 Czech respondents. The methods used are positional maps for the FCB grid and chi-squared with a suitable post-hoc test. The outputs reveal the differences of the theoretical FCB model in comparison with its practical implementation. It is necessary to adapt (extend) the model according to specific conditions and identification features of different Czech generations and genders, then adjust recommendations for advertising strategies. In Czech conditions, the sextant grind should be used. There is a prevalence of representative product placement in quadrants 1 and 3, i.e., rational appeals even for products where this is not expected. The outcomes can be used for the choice of correct advertising strategy, advertising media, and types.
- ItemAeroelastische Experimente mit der Messung von kinematischen Variablen unter Anwendung der optischen Methoden(Technická univerzita v Liberci, Česká republika, 2015-01-01) Chládek, Štěpán; Zolotarev, IgorKvalitní aeroelastický experiment se zabývá klíčovými veličinami pro popis dynamiky aeroelastických jevů. Jsou jimi poloha, rychlost a zrychlení tělesa a síly, které je vyvolaly. V předkládaném článku je popsáno provedené měření kinematických veličin bezkontaktní metodou založenou na snímání optického terče vysokorychlostní kamerou. Z naměřeného průběhu polohy byly vypočteny hodnoty rychlosti a zrychlení tělesa, které byly porovnány s daty získanými akcelerometrem. Výhodou představeného optického měření je minimální ovlivnění měřeného systému a dále možnost redundantního měření zpřesňujícího získávané výsledky. Jeho přínos je potvrzen experimentem na experimentálním aeroelastickém stojanu s leteckým profilem NACA 0012.
- ItemAgile Approach in Human Resource Management: Focus on Generation Y(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, ) Revutska, Olga; Maršíková, Kateřina; Ekonomická fakultaThe paper aims to provide an overview of human resource management’s characteristic features in agile companies and identify the attributes preferred by Generation Y representatives in everyday work life. Detailed literature review of general agile attributes and specifics of agile HR management has shown that the phenomenon is not sufficiently examined. There is a gap in the literature research related to the agile approach applied to Generation Y. Based on a literature review and primary data analysis, the authors identified the attributes of agile organisations that correspond to Generation Y preferences in the field of working conditions. In this way, the authors have opened a discussion on the possibilities of applying the preferred agile approaches to attract Generation Y representatives, increase their work motivation and satisfaction. The paper’s findings support the information base used by HR professionals and companies to ensure that factors such as flexibility, informality, continuous learning, etc, are known by managers and companies. It realises the importance of agile principles in the working environment created for Generation Y to produce a greater added value. The literary part of the paper provides an introduction to the general agile management approach, specifics of agile HR practices and indicates key factors influencing work and supporting effective cooperation with Generation Y. Key findings of the detailed literature review were applied to empirical findings of the sample of Generation Y representatives in the Czech Republic and used for discussion and recommendations. This article aims to contribute to the debate on agile management approaches with regard to Generation Y and its leadership. The paper contributes to a gap in the literature, as key findings confirm that Generation Y is open to adopting an agile approach and prefers some of the agile factors in corporate and human resource management over traditional systems.