Fontes Nissae = Prameny Nisy
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Fontes Nissae - Prameny Nisy jsou recenzované periodikum, které vychází od roku 2000 a na jehož vydávání a podobě se od roku 2012 podílí osm regionálních institucí. Periodikum představuje odbornou publikační platformu zaměřenou na oblasti historie, památek a umění, přičemž pojítkem je především region, chápaný nikoli úzce na Liberecko a Jablonecko, ale s ohledem na záběr zainteresovaných institucí vnímaný volněji, jako celá oblast dnešního Libereckého kraje s logickými přesahy v rámci historických vazeb a souvislostí.
Vydavatelem periodika je Technická univerzita v Liberci, katedra historie Fakulty přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogické. Na podobě Fontes Nissae se dále podílejí Krajská vědecká knihovna v Liberci, Městské muzeum v Železném Brodě, Národní památkový ústav, územní odborné pracoviště v Liberci, Oblastní galerie Liberec, Severočeské muzeum v Liberci, Státní okresní archiv Jablonec nad Nisou a Státní okresní archiv Liberec.
ISSN 1213-5097
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- ItemPomník Heinricha Liebiega pro Liberec(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Habánová, AnnaThis study analyses particular subject of the Liberec history. Through analyzing archival records it reveals origins of the not implemented memorial of Heinrich Liebieg, famous patron. Study compares this memorial with other representations and mentions of his fi gure in Liberec public space. The designs of Franz Metzner from the beginning of the 20th century and the later design of Liberec sculptor Wilhelm Weiss are also analyzed.
- ItemZáchranný archeologický výzkum Konejlovy jeskyně v Klokočských skalách(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Kovačíková, Lenka; Novák, Jan; Prostředník, JanKonejl´s cave (k. ú. Bělá u Turnova, PR Kokočské rocks) was explored by 4 probes in August 2010 and July 2011. We registered at least 5 horizons in 15 levels (mechanical layer, thickness 10 cm). Levels 1 and 2 go back from present day to VS2 epoch. Level 3 is identified as acontact layer between high middle ages epoch and early Iron Age (dating of VS1/2 – VS2). Levels 4 to 6 cohere with the early Iron Age (Lt C2-D1). Next levels 7 to 9 are assigned to wide time period ranging from Mesolithe to older/middle Bronze Age of level 7. This period was not registered in artefacts, radiocarbon date 1875 – 1665 BC) originated from level 7. We linked the lowest levels (10 to 15) to Mesolithe, it was proven not only by discovered industry, but by radiocarbon dating too (8225 – 7945 BC). It is actually the oldest Mesolithic date in Český ráj. New discoveries were brought by archeobotanical and archeozoological research.
- ItemTrestní nalézací komise v Jablonci nad Nisou (1945–1947)(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Remsová, MonikaThis study analyses one aspect of the retribution judiciary in the post war Czechoslovakia. Particularly it focuses on the activity of the Penal Adjudication Commission in Jablonec nad Nisou during the fi rst stage of the retribution, that was established by the Small Retribution Decree. Its goal was to punish minor collaborators.
- ItemFontes Nissae - Prameny Nisy. Historie, památky, umění XIII, 2012, č. 1(2012-01-01) kolektiv autorů
- ItemStát a jeho architektura. České meziválečné stavby v německém Liberci(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Zeman, JaroslavLiberec - the „capital city of Czech Germans“ - is famous fi rst of all for German speaking architects, but no less interesting creations were built thanks to initiative of the state and local Czech minority groups of so called “bordermen”. This study helps to understand a not very well explored topic of the Czech “peripheral“ architecture in border regions.
- ItemStavební podoba a vývoj vodní pily čp. 21 v Oldřichově v Hájích v kontextu historie zpracování dřeva v Jizerských horách(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Kolka, Miroslav; Freiwillig, PetrThis study from regional and building history and the history of technology focuses on the subject of the water saw-mill in the mountain village of Oldřichov v Hájích in Jizera Mountains. It casts light on the evolution of woodworking in the mountains and the village as well as the manufacturing technology and consequent building specifi cs of rural structures of a technical character.
- ItemPředměstský dům čp. 739 v Lomnici nad Popelkou: četné ztráty staveb lidové architektury v kontextu chybějících plošných průzkumů(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Ouhrabka, MartinThis study utilizes the processed operative on-site survey report and documentation, summarizes existing fi ndings to the building history of the house nr. 739 in Lomnice nad Popelkou. Conditions of the survey and its subsequent results should draw attention to the importance of old building documentation and particularly urgency to conduct the basic area surveys of larger residential units. A provincial curbed single-storied house from the end of the 18th century became the subject of the survey. This typical example of foothill town house-building was despite its good structural condition and original frame demolished in 2012 to make place for a new building.
- ItemJubileum profesora Roberta Kvačka(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Melanová, Miloslava
- ItemK historii, současnosti a budoucnosti Bredovské zahrady(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Šubrtová, Jana; Králová, VladimíraBreda garden located three kilometres to the north east from Jablonné v Podještědí is a unique early baroque garden architecture landmark. Its beginnings can be traced back to the second half of the 17th century, to the times of Breda administration of the Lemberk estate, which was sold to the Gallas or Clam-Gallas family in 1726. The year marked a new epoch for the territory. Since the second quarter of the 18th century the garden underwent aseries of changes. For example three fountains and eighteen statues with pedestals were installed. In the 19th century the area was transformed for the purposes of the castle gardening. At the beginning of the 20th century many new greenhouses were constructed in the garden and mainly fruit and deciduous trees were grown. The garden was handed over to the Czechoslovak state in 1945, since then it decayed rapidly. The whole garden has been administered by the National Institute for the Protection and Conservation of Monuments and Sites - Special Regional Unit in Liberec since 2008. Preliminary work for complete restoration was done in 2011.
- ItemObrazová sbírka loveckého zámku v Josefově Dole ve světle dobových inventářů a její identifi kace v mobiliárním fondu státního zámku Hrubý Rohozec(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Tregl, VladimírThe hunting-lodge in Josefův Důl was built in 1911 by count Mikuláš Vladimír Des Fours Walderode. In 1945 it was confi scated by state and utilized accordingly. Part of its amenities was acquired by state castle Hrubý Rohozec, which had served as a principal residence of the Des Fours Walderode family. Till recently no considerable attention was payed to the equipment of the hunting-lodge in Josefův Důl. In 2008 the interior of the Hrubý Rohozec castle has been restored to the state, when Mikuláš Vladimír Des Fours Walderode lived in it; on that occasion couple of objects originally from Josefův Důl hunting-lodge were used in the interior installation, which in fact led to this study. Discovery of the inventory of the Josefův Důl hunting-lodge from 1923 in the State Regional Archives Litoměřice, Děčín offi ce, brought new important pieces of knowledge, in particular it was accomplished to identify authors and themes of the picture collection and trace up more accurately its origin.
- ItemZáchranný archeologický výzkum bývalé městské šatlavy v České Lípě(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Jenč, Petr; Novák, Vojtěch; Peša, VladimírThe building of the former roundhouse, Vězeňská ulice 189, is one of the few preserved historical landmarks in the medieval heart of the town. Emergency archaeological research was performed because of the planned conversion of the building to an archaeological museum and proved the medieval (most likely the end of 13th or the beginning of the 14th century) origin of the oldest layers of the terrain. The medieval horizons cohere with remains of the masonry in rooms 2 and 3. Construction time of the oldest preserved section – basement of the west part of the building – was regrettably not found out by archaeological exploration and even by previous construction-history and archaeological research. The oldest account mentioning the round-house in Česká Lípa comes from 1578. Building served as a jail till 1935.
- ItemK identifikaci portrétu infantky Marie Viktorie z rohanských sbírek(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Mžyková, MarieOne of the most popular paintings in Sychrov Castle is a portrait of asmall princess and a doggy. Mainly two features – bourbon lilies and the crown – led the researches to identify the painting as “Bourbon princess”. Similar portraits of the Spanish as infanta Mary Ann Victoria were painted in 1724 by N. de Largillière and A. S. Belle. Members of the House of Rohan, bearers of the title “princes of the royal blood”, were related to her. It was a great-granddaughter of the king Louis XIV., who has his own representation in Rohan gallery as well her father, king Philip V. of Spain. On the base of the analysis of the state of affairs in France, an event of 1721 comes to mind. Three years old infanta was sent to the royal court of France to get engaged to the eleven-year-old king Louis XV. The betrothal painting from Jeana-François De Troy from 1723 can be found in the Florentine gallery and served as atemplate for Sychrov painting. New situation caused that the marriage was called off and the little princess travelled back to Spain – situation, which is reflected on the Sychrov painting. Instead of acourteous chevalier, the princess gives orders only to Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
- ItemNaplněný generační sen: Utvoření Velkého Liberce(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Biman, StanislavForming a metropolitan area through conurbation is acommon phenomenon of the industrial society and it is taking place even today. Its incentives are mainly of administrative, financial and economical nature, only exceptionally there are also political reasons. This is the case of the so called “Big Liberec“. The paper deals with the roots of this process in the 19th century, its successful culmination in 1938–1939 and finally its first fulfilment. It discusses the first proposal from Liberec town hall and analyses to which extent the state administration and NSDAP party elements influenced the final version of the proposal. The action of the mayor of Liberec on October 1938 started aseemingly democratic process, which was completely transformed to an undemocratic operation to correspond more with the spirit of the new national socialistic administrative and political order - not by means of discussion and agreement, but by uncompromising orders and interests of the NSDAP and influential administrative and political powers in Liberec and Berlin.
- ItemKresby pro časopis Jugend v depozitářích státních zámků Sychrov a Náchod(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Novotný, JaromírThe paper analyses aset of 50 illustrations, aquarelles and art works from the depository of the Sychrov state castle intended to be printed out in Munich, in asatirical culture, artistic and literary magazine Jugend. This collection is on its own and even divided into elements a fine example of the visual art of the first half of the 20th century. They were distributed into movable funds of state castles after the WWII and they play an important role in the history of the Liberec Region. The paper addresses drawings from the 1900–1930 period, which are currently undergoing process of identification (artist, theme, date). Finding aspecific drawing in the magazine helped this process couple of times. The creators of these drawings are for example Friedrich Heubner, Gerhardt Hentrich, Karl Arnold, Erich Wilke, August Geigenberger, Henry Bing, Alexander Sándor von Kubinyi, Otto Schenk, André Szenes. The works of Leo Putz, Paul Wilhelm Keller-Reutlingen and Walter Georgi for Jugend are preserved, too, in the movable fund of the state castle Náchod. Useful information about the artists and description of their selected works can be found in the paper
- ItemEditorial Fontes Nissae 2012/2(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Habán, Ivo
- ItemVladimír Ruda, promovaný historik (Sobotka 1. 9. 1922 – Liberec 15. 12. 1990)(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Chocholoušková, Hana
- ItemFontes Nissae - Prameny Nisy. Historie, památky, umění XIII, 2012, č. 2(2012-01-01) kolektiv autorů
- ItemExkurze katedry historie FP TU v Liberci 30. dubna – 3. května 2012(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Lozoviuková, Kateřina
- ItemLidové podmalby na skle ve sbírce Severočeského muzea v Liberci a jejich restaurování(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Krámská, Bohunka; Hrevúšová, JanaA number of glass workshops were created in the course of activities of the so called fellowships of glass in the last third of the 18th century in the area of North Bohemia, borderlands of Lower Silesia and Kladsko. Production of these workshops is an important part of the reverse painting collection of the North Bohemian Museum in Liberec. The first contributions to this collection were made by Josef Václav Scheybal, ethnographer, art historian and acknowledged folk culture expert after he had begun working for the museum. Reverse paintings are the main part of the collection, except for a number of illusive paintings made by professional artists and eglomisé. The advanced production of glass, which sustained so many workers, established the dominant role of the glassmaker type reverse paintings in the North Bohemia. The delicate and detailed work of the restorer is highly valued in museums pursuing authenticity. For this reason the North Bohemian Museum has been cooperating with restorer Jana Hrevúšová since 1990. Thanks to her work, grants from the Ministry of Culture and the founder, 91 reverse paintings and two parchment paintings in mirror frames have been restored so far.
- ItemMáme všechno(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Těthalová, Markéta