Naplněný generační sen: Utvoření Velkého Liberce
Title Alternative:The dream of a generation made true: Creating “Big Liberec“
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Technická univerzita v Liberci
Technical University of Liberec
Technical University of Liberec
Forming a metropolitan area through conurbation is
acommon phenomenon of the industrial society and it is taking place even today.
Its incentives are mainly of administrative, financial and economical nature, only
exceptionally there are also political reasons. This is the case of the so called “Big
Liberec“. The paper deals with the roots of this process in the 19th century, its
successful culmination in 1938–1939 and finally its first fulfilment. It discusses
the first proposal from Liberec town hall and analyses to which extent the state
administration and NSDAP party elements influenced the final version of the
proposal. The action of the mayor of Liberec on October 1938 started aseemingly
democratic process, which was completely transformed to an undemocratic operation
to correspond more with the spirit of the new national socialistic administrative and
political order - not by means of discussion and agreement, but by uncompromising
orders and interests of the NSDAP and influential administrative and political powers
in Liberec and Berlin.
Big Liberec, Eduard Rohn, conurbation, urbanism, Sudetenland, Velký Liberec, slučování měst a obcí, urbanismus, Sudety