Attitudes of managers towards disadvantaged groups on the labour market in the Slovak Republic.questionnaire survey results

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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Technical university of Liberec, Czech Republic
Discrimination is a serious long-term problem, being faced by all parts of our society, including the labour market. This is particularly a case for some vulnerable groups who in search for an employment are facing serious problems.The aim of this paper is to focus on the current situation of disadvantaged groups on the labour market of the Slovak Republic from the point of view of managers of selected organisations. By the method of questionnaire survey of the managers we were examining their attitudes towards selected disadvantaged groups on the labour market. Furthermore we examined the motives of the managers in relation to the employment of selected candidates pointing to the discriminatory or non-discriminatory behaviour of managers on the Slovak labour market. In our research we also focus on the evolution of the labour market in terms of disadvantaged groups in order to identify whether any change of the situation of selected groups of participants on the labour market occurred. The purpose of our analysis also is to verify whether managers discriminate selected groups of participants on the labour market intentionally and whether there exists any shift in the perception of these groups by the managers.In order to fulfil this objective we conducted a questionnaire survey focused on selected managers of organisations, in two reference periods: 2008 and 2014.The target group of the survey was composed of both public and private companies that carry out their activities on the territory of the Slovak Republic during the period of conducting the research.
discrimination, employers, labour market, managers, organisation, Slovak Republic