Logopedická prevence v mateřských školách v Libereckém kraji
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Předložená diplomová práce se zabývala problematikou logopedické prevence u dětí v mateřských školách v Libereckém kraji.Cílem diplomové práce bylo popsat a analyzovat odborné a metodické zabezpečení logopedické prevence v běžných mateřských školách v Libereckém kraji.Diplomovou práci tvoří dvě stěžejní části. Teoretická část vychází z odborné literatury, která je zaměřena na narušenou komunikační schopnost, systém logopedické péče v ČR a logopedickou prevenci v mateřských školách. Druhou částí diplomové práce je empirická část, ve které jsou popsány výsledky průzkumu, který se zabýval logopedickou prevencí se zaměřením na kurz Logopedického asistenta/preventisty. Šetření probíhalo formou dotazníku, který byl distribuován pedagogům mateřských škol v Libereckém kraji. Zkoumaný vzorek tvořilo 81 respondentů, z toho 3 respondenti uvedli, že v mateřské škole neprovádějí logopedickou prevenci.Hypotézy byly zaměřeny na metodické vedení logopedických asistentů/preventistů, na znalost jejich kompetencí a na provádění terapie narušené komunikační schopnosti.Průzkumem bylo zjištěno, že je nejvíce poskytováno metodické vedení speciálně pedagogickým centrem. Dále dotazovaní pedagogové odpověděli, že všichni znají své kompetence logopedického asistenta/preventisty, přičemž někteří z nich provádí logopedickou terapii, i když k tomu nemají dostatečné vzdělání.
The introduce diploma thesis deals with the problem of logopedic prevention at children in kindergarten schools in the Liberec district.The goal of the diploma thesis was describe and analyse professional and metodical ensurance of logopedic prevention in common kindergarten schools in the Liberec district.The diploma thesis is consisted of two main parts. The teoretical part comes from the specialised literature, which is focused on the disturbed comunication abilities, the system of the logopedic care in the Czech Republic and the logopedic prevention in kindergarten schools. The second part of diploma thesis is the empirical part, where are descripted the results of the survey, which delt with the logopedic prevention focuses on a course with a logopedic assistant/ prevention officer. The research was provided with questionnaires, which was distributed to the educators in kindergarten schools in the Liberec district. The research sample was consisted of 81responders, which 3 of them announced that they did not provide the logopedic prevention.The hypothesis was focus on the assistant metodical leading, on knowledge of their competetions and on the guide theraphy of the disturbed comunation abilitias.The special pedagogical centers mostly provide the metodical leading according to the survey. The questionnaired pedagogues answered that all know their competences of the logopedic prevention. Some of them provide logopedic theraphy in spite of they are not enough educated in this area.
The introduce diploma thesis deals with the problem of logopedic prevention at children in kindergarten schools in the Liberec district.The goal of the diploma thesis was describe and analyse professional and metodical ensurance of logopedic prevention in common kindergarten schools in the Liberec district.The diploma thesis is consisted of two main parts. The teoretical part comes from the specialised literature, which is focused on the disturbed comunication abilities, the system of the logopedic care in the Czech Republic and the logopedic prevention in kindergarten schools. The second part of diploma thesis is the empirical part, where are descripted the results of the survey, which delt with the logopedic prevention focuses on a course with a logopedic assistant/ prevention officer. The research was provided with questionnaires, which was distributed to the educators in kindergarten schools in the Liberec district. The research sample was consisted of 81responders, which 3 of them announced that they did not provide the logopedic prevention.The hypothesis was focus on the assistant metodical leading, on knowledge of their competetions and on the guide theraphy of the disturbed comunation abilitias.The special pedagogical centers mostly provide the metodical leading according to the survey. The questionnaired pedagogues answered that all know their competences of the logopedic prevention. Some of them provide logopedic theraphy in spite of they are not enough educated in this area.
kurz Logopedický asistent/preventista, logopedie, logopedická prevence, mateřská škola, metodické vedení, narušená komunikační schopnost, systém logopedické péče v ČR, course of the logopedic assistant/ prevention officer, speech theraphy, the logopedic prevention, the kindergarten school, metodical leading, the disturbed comunation abilitias, the systém of logopedic care in the Czech Republic