Rozvíjení emoční inteligence u žáků 1. stupně ZŠ
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Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou rozvíjení emoční inteligence na 1. stupni základní školy a klade si za cíl vytvořit ucelený program, jež bude skýtat možnosti, jak pracovat s dětmi mladšího školního věku a rozvíjet tak u nich emoční inteligenci. Program obsahuje příběhy, pracovní listy a vhodné aktivity. Práce je členěna na teoretickou a praktickou část.Teoretická část vymezuje pojmy, které s tématem práce souvisí. Jedná se o emoce, emoční inteligenci a její klíčové složky, charakteristiku vývojových etap dítěte, výchovu k rozvoji emoční inteligence, možnosti začlenění rozvoje emoční inteligence do vzdělávání a klima třídy.V praktické části jsou přiblíženy aktivity, jejichž výběr byl motivován pozorováním třídy, komunikací s rodiči a studiem uvedených publikací a další odborné literatury. Ověřování probíhalo na malotřídní škole ve 2. a 3. ročníku. Praktická část je uzavřena hodnocením získaných poznatků.
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of developing emotional intelligence at the first stage of primary school and aims to create a comprehensive program that will provide opportunities to work with children of younger school age and thus develop emotional intelligence in them. The program contains stories, worksheets and relevant activities. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part.The theoretical part defines the terms that are related to the topic of the work. These are emotions, emotional intelligence and its key components, characteristics of the child's developmental stages, education for the development of emotional intelligence, the possibility of integrating the development of emotional intelligence into education and the classroom climate.In the practical part, activities are presented, the selection of which was motivated by class observation, communication with parents and the study of these publications and other professional literature. The verification took place at a small school in the 2nd and 3rd year. The practical part is concluded by the evaluation of the acquired knowledge
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of developing emotional intelligence at the first stage of primary school and aims to create a comprehensive program that will provide opportunities to work with children of younger school age and thus develop emotional intelligence in them. The program contains stories, worksheets and relevant activities. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part.The theoretical part defines the terms that are related to the topic of the work. These are emotions, emotional intelligence and its key components, characteristics of the child's developmental stages, education for the development of emotional intelligence, the possibility of integrating the development of emotional intelligence into education and the classroom climate.In the practical part, activities are presented, the selection of which was motivated by class observation, communication with parents and the study of these publications and other professional literature. The verification took place at a small school in the 2nd and 3rd year. The practical part is concluded by the evaluation of the acquired knowledge
Emoce, emoční inteligence, emoční dovednosti, emoční vývoj, základní emoce, Emotions, emotional intelligence, emotional skills, emotional development, basic emotions