Rychlost reakce v šermu
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Diplomová práce se zabývá rychlostí reakce v šermu. Zaměřuje se na teoretická východiska k dané problematice, na porovnání rychlosti jednoduché reakce mezi skupinou šermířů a skupinou běžné populace a na návrh vhodných cvičení pro rozvoj rychlosti reakce. Výzkum byl prováděn na šermířích, kteří jsou členy sportovního oddílu Šerm-Liberec. Skupina běžné populace byla sestavena náhodným výběrem jedinců ve věku od 14 do 16 let na základní škole Dr. E. Beneše v Mladé Boleslavi. Na základě měření bylo zjištěno, zda má skupina šermířů kratší dobu jednoduché reakce než skupina běžné populace a také lze posoudit vliv navržených cviků pro šermíře.
This diploma thesis is concerned with the reaction speed in fencing. It focuses on theoretical solutions to given topic, comparison of speed of basic reaction between a group of fencers and a group of common population and on a proposal of suitable exercises for increasing reaction speed. The research was conducted on fencers who are members of Šerm-Liberec sports club. A group of common population was compiled by random selection of individuals between ages 14 to 16 at Dr. E. Beneš school in Mladá Boleslav. On the basis of measuring, it was discovered that the group of fencers has shorter basic reaction speed than the group of common population and also influence of proposed exercises for fencers can be put into consideration.
This diploma thesis is concerned with the reaction speed in fencing. It focuses on theoretical solutions to given topic, comparison of speed of basic reaction between a group of fencers and a group of common population and on a proposal of suitable exercises for increasing reaction speed. The research was conducted on fencers who are members of Šerm-Liberec sports club. A group of common population was compiled by random selection of individuals between ages 14 to 16 at Dr. E. Beneš school in Mladá Boleslav. On the basis of measuring, it was discovered that the group of fencers has shorter basic reaction speed than the group of common population and also influence of proposed exercises for fencers can be put into consideration.
šerm, rychlost reakce, rozvoj reakční rychlosti, fencing, reaction speed, increasing reaction speed