Procesní management ve veřejné správě

Title Alternative:Process based management of public administration
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Technical university of Liberec, Czech Republic
The article develops the idea of using the principles of business process-oriented management in public administration. Compared with the market-oriented organizations the area of public administration is more complex and abstract which makes the projects of process change in this field significantly complicated. On the other hand, the same characteristic creates the possibility to achieve significant benefits as also the “natural” degree of inefficiency in the area of public administration is order of magnitude higher than it is in regular market-oriented firms. The article introduces the long-term program consisting of a series of real analytical projects in this area. Basic principles of the approach as well as starting points of the methodology are explained. Four original principles are discussed in detail: Three source areas of the community management, Life events as essential triggers of key processes, Hierarchy of human needs as a general source of life events, and Life cycles of key objects as their general context. Main relevant outputs of the program are presented in the form of examples of key processes from each of three basic areas of the community management: physical, social, and economic environment. Each key process is discussed in terms of its main value as well as the substantial change which it brings in comparison with the current state. Extensive experience from the program is discussed, and the idea that the process change in the area of public administration is the only way to the effectiveness and meaningfulness of any IT investment in this area, i.e. e-Government, is elaborated in conclusions.
interest rate channel, monetary policy shock, EMU, Czech Republic, economic crisis, VEC model