Ideové východiská pedagogického myslenia na Slovensku v 40. rokoch 20. storočia a ich vyústenie do socialistickej pedagogiky

Title Alternative:Ideological Background of Educational Thought in Slovakia in the 1940s and its Eventuation into the Socialist Educational Thought
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Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského
Technická univerzita v Liberci, Fakulta přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogická
The paper is a historical-educational study that aims to survey changes in conceptual foundations of educational thought in the 1940s and their form at the beginning of Communism. It was a complicated period with several overlapping ideological levels: the ideas of the interwar democratic Czechoslovakia “retired”, the national socialist ideology of the Slovak state was established in the situation of the war, and the Marxist-Leninist ideology, which was fully implemented after the Communist coup in 1948, was being gradually shaped. The change of direction in the educational thought and in its foundations is demonstrated mainly through two leading figures of pedagogy of the given period: Juraj Čečetka (1907–1983), the first Slovak professor of pedagogy and Ondrej Pavlík (1916–1996), the creator of the socialist pedagogy and education. The first part of the paper focuses on a broader socio-political context that suggested changes in ideological orientation of educational thought in the 1940s, the second part of the paper discusses educational thought in the 1950s when only the socialist variant can be considered. The study is based on source literature of both mentioned representatives of the period and on existing research of their work (Krankus, Kudláčová, Faktorová, Valkovičová, Wiesenganger) and life (Mihálechová, Michalička, Londáková).
educational thought, Slovakia, National Socialism, Marxism - Leninism, Juraj Čečetka, Ondrej Pavlík