Dependency of return on equity and use of finance sources in building companies in v4 countries

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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Technical university of Liberec, Czech Republic
The aim of the paper is to evaluate whether there is a functional dependency between the used financial sources and reported rate of return on equity in the selected sample of companies from the area of building of the Visegrád Group, and to do such evaluation on the basis of a performed analysis. We will also examine the reverse relation, i.e. how the rate of use of external finance sources affects the return on equity. The research is performed at two levels. In the first level, the data are mutually compared on the basis of average values of ratio indicators in individual countries. From the methodological view, there are mainly two commonly-used ratio indicators used. The use of return on equity as well as debt/equity ratio comes from studies which are listed below in the text. The other level of research is focused on data of concrete companies, which is the basis for panel data regression processing. The attention is paid to the area of building. From this business branch, there were gained data for individual companies in categories: very large, large and middle-sized companies from the Amadeus database. From the view of the studied topic, the text will be focused on the dynamic theory of the capital structure – the pecking order theory. The reason for using just this theory is the fact that measurability of tax savings from the debt in context with financial distress costs, which is the core of static trade off theories, is problematic in conditions of the Czech Republic.
international Financial Reporting Standards, International Accounting Standards, IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, IAS 39 Financial instruments: recognition and measurement