Historický odkaz integrovaného systému managementu
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Bakalářská práce, jak už název napovídá, pojednává o problematice integrovaného systému managementu, historických podnicích na Frýdlantsku a hodnocení českého průmyslu různými hledisky. Rešerše vysvětluje vztah podniků, integrovaného systému managementu a procesního přístupu k české historii průmyslu. Největší část práce se zabývá samotnými podniky na Frýdlantsku na přelomu 19. a 20. století, kde je popsáno, jak takové firmy dříve fungovaly. Práce zdůrazňuje existenční rizika, na která mohly podniky narazit během svého působení. Na závěr je provedena analýza, která posuzuje úroveň jednotlivých managementů, naplněnost integrovaného systému managementu a procesního přístupu v historických podnicích a zároveň podnicích současných. Z toho plynou ponaučení, doporučení a závěry pro současné organizace. K vypracování této práce autor použil své znalosti z předchozího studia, data z archivů, městských muzeí, internetových publikací a odborné literatury. Práce představuje jakýsi důkaz o kvalitě českého průmyslu při pohledu do historie a měla by poukázat na problémy, které dnešní firmy často přehlíží. Podobný typ práce není na internetu příliš zastoupen, a tak je toto téma vhodné obohacení.
The bachelor thesis, as the name suggests, deals with the issue of an integrated management system, historical companies in the Frýdlant region and the evaluation of Czech industry in various aspects. The research explains the relationship between companies, the integrated management system and the Business Process Management to the Czech history of industry. The largest part of the work deals with the companies themselves in the Frýdlant region at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, where it is described how such companies used to work. The work emphasizes the existential risks that companies may have encountered during their operation. Finally, an analysis is performed, which assesses the level of individual management, the fulfilment of the integrated management system and process approach in historical companies and at the same time current companies. There are lessons, recommendations and conclusions for current organizations. To prepare this work, the author used his knowledge from previous studies, data from archives, city museums, Internet publications and professional literature. The work is a kind of proof of the quality of Czech industry when looking at history and should point out the problems that today's companies often overlook. A similar type of work is not very common on the Internet, so this topic is a suitable enrichment.
The bachelor thesis, as the name suggests, deals with the issue of an integrated management system, historical companies in the Frýdlant region and the evaluation of Czech industry in various aspects. The research explains the relationship between companies, the integrated management system and the Business Process Management to the Czech history of industry. The largest part of the work deals with the companies themselves in the Frýdlant region at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, where it is described how such companies used to work. The work emphasizes the existential risks that companies may have encountered during their operation. Finally, an analysis is performed, which assesses the level of individual management, the fulfilment of the integrated management system and process approach in historical companies and at the same time current companies. There are lessons, recommendations and conclusions for current organizations. To prepare this work, the author used his knowledge from previous studies, data from archives, city museums, Internet publications and professional literature. The work is a kind of proof of the quality of Czech industry when looking at history and should point out the problems that today's companies often overlook. A similar type of work is not very common on the Internet, so this topic is a suitable enrichment.
integrovaný systém managementu, procesní přístup, česká historie průmyslu, průmyslové revoluce, Frýdlantsko, Integrated Management System, Business Process Management, Czech history of industry, Industrial Revolution, Frýdlant region