Atributy hodnoty pro zákazníka značky Bushman
Title Alternative:Perceived Value Attributes for Customers of Bushman
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Tématem diplomové práce jsou Atributy hodnoty pro zákazníka značky Bushman. Práce se zabývá tím, jaké požadavky a tužby zákazník nakupující tuto značku má. Cílem práce je zhodnotit služby obchodů s oblečením a doplňky značky Bushman. Díky dotazníkovému šetření zjistím konkrétní požadavky zákazníků na zlepšení služeb a nabídky obchodů. Diplomová práce je rozdělena do čtyř stěžejních částí. První část zmiňuje teoretická východiska hodnoty pro zákazníka a její atributy. Druhá kapitola se věnuje charakteristice firmy, která provozuje maloobchodní síť obchodů se zbožím značky Bushman, koncepci identifikování atributů hodnoty pro zákazníka a SWOT analýze. Ve třetí kapitole je hodnocen marketingový výzkum, který byl proveden dotazníkovým šetřením v prodejně Bushman v Liberci. A nakonec ve čtvrté části jsou navržena doporučení pro firmu, která by měla zajistit větší spokojenost zákazníků nakupujících výrobky značky Bushman.
The thesis deals with the topic of Perceived Value Attributes for Customers of Bushman and focuses on the requirements and desires of the customers purchasing products of this brand. The aim is to evaluate the services of the shops selling Bushman clothing and accessories. Through the questionnaire survey, I will find out specific customer requirements for the improvement of services and range of products.The diploma thesis is divided into four main parts. The first part describes the theoretical basis of the value for the customer and its attributes. The second chapter deals with the characteristics of a company that operates a retail network of Bushman merchandise, the concept of identifying value of the attributes for the customer and the SWOT analysis. The third chapter evaluates a marketing research, which was conducted by a questionnaire survey at the Bushman store in Liberec. Finally, in the fourth part, recommendations for the company are suggested which should provide greater satisfaction to customers purchasing Bushman products.
The thesis deals with the topic of Perceived Value Attributes for Customers of Bushman and focuses on the requirements and desires of the customers purchasing products of this brand. The aim is to evaluate the services of the shops selling Bushman clothing and accessories. Through the questionnaire survey, I will find out specific customer requirements for the improvement of services and range of products.The diploma thesis is divided into four main parts. The first part describes the theoretical basis of the value for the customer and its attributes. The second chapter deals with the characteristics of a company that operates a retail network of Bushman merchandise, the concept of identifying value of the attributes for the customer and the SWOT analysis. The third chapter evaluates a marketing research, which was conducted by a questionnaire survey at the Bushman store in Liberec. Finally, in the fourth part, recommendations for the company are suggested which should provide greater satisfaction to customers purchasing Bushman products.