Posuzování školní zralosti v MŠ
Title Alternative:Assessment of school readiness in kindergarten
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá posuzováním školní zralosti v mateřské škole. Cílem práce je zjistit, ve které oblasti školní zralosti mají děti největší problémy. Vytvořit pracovní listy na jednotlivé oblasti a dále zjistit, jestli je více dětí s odkladem z mateřských škol, které mají heterogenní třídy. Práce také definuje jednotlivé oblasti školní zralosti a příčiny školní nezralosti. Na základě zjištění problematiky některé z oblastí navrhnu vlastní doporučení pro práci s dětmi v posledním roce předškolního vzdělávání.
This thesis deals with the assessment of school readiness in kindergarten. The aim is to find out in which areas of school readiness children have the biggest problems. Create worksheets for each area and then see if there are more children with postponed from nursery schools that have heterogeneous classes. Work also defines the various areas of school readiness and school immaturity causes. Based on the findings of the issue one of the areas I will propose their own recommendations for working with children in the last year of preschool education.
This thesis deals with the assessment of school readiness in kindergarten. The aim is to find out in which areas of school readiness children have the biggest problems. Create worksheets for each area and then see if there are more children with postponed from nursery schools that have heterogeneous classes. Work also defines the various areas of school readiness and school immaturity causes. Based on the findings of the issue one of the areas I will propose their own recommendations for working with children in the last year of preschool education.