Startupy jako příležitost pro studenty a absolventy VŠ - vlastní podnikání a praxe
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Tato diplomová práce se zabývá start-upy a jejich propojení s akademickým prostředím. Start-upy jsou bezpochyby fenoménem dnešní doby. Práce popisuje a vysvětluje, co je to start-up, vyjmenovává a představuje některé úspěšné start-upy v Libereckém kraji a také teoreticky popisuje jejich význam pro trh. V teoretické části práce je také popsána metodika dotazníkového šetření. Dotazníkové šetření bylo vypracováno, aby bylo dosaženo cíle práce, kterým je vypracování modelu zlepšení podnikatelské gramotnosti vysokoškolských studentů. Také byla vypracována analýza šetření GUESS 2016, GUESS 2018 a Inovační strategie České republiky 2019-2030. V poslední kapitole práce je tedy navržen model, je vyčísleno ekonomické zhodnocení modelu a jsou uvedeny klíčové přínosy, které by model mohl mít pro rozvoj kraje a znalosti studentů. Také by model měl zvýšit prestiž vysokých škol a zlepšit spolupráci mezi vysokými školami a organizacemi, které podporují rozvíjející se podnikání.
This diploma thesis aims to describe start-ups and their connection with academic environment. Start- are without any doubt phenomenon of our era. This thesis describes and explains, what is start-up, lists and introduces some of the successful start-ups in the Liberec region and explains in theory the importance of them to the market. In the theoretical part of the thesis, there is described the methodology of good questionnaire, which was realized in this thesis to achieve the aim of this thesis, which is the proposition of a model of improvement of business knowledge among university students. Analysis of the questionnaire GUESS 2016, GUESS 2018 and Innovation strategy of the Czech Republic 2019-2030 was also realized. In the last chapter the model is introduced with its economic evaluation and key advantages, that the model can have for the region. The advantages are improvement of knowledge of students about start-ups and improvement of collaboration between organizations improving rising start-ups with universities.
This diploma thesis aims to describe start-ups and their connection with academic environment. Start- are without any doubt phenomenon of our era. This thesis describes and explains, what is start-up, lists and introduces some of the successful start-ups in the Liberec region and explains in theory the importance of them to the market. In the theoretical part of the thesis, there is described the methodology of good questionnaire, which was realized in this thesis to achieve the aim of this thesis, which is the proposition of a model of improvement of business knowledge among university students. Analysis of the questionnaire GUESS 2016, GUESS 2018 and Innovation strategy of the Czech Republic 2019-2030 was also realized. In the last chapter the model is introduced with its economic evaluation and key advantages, that the model can have for the region. The advantages are improvement of knowledge of students about start-ups and improvement of collaboration between organizations improving rising start-ups with universities.
Start-up, start-upové podnikání, nápad, vysoké školy, studenti, absolventi, zkušenosti, Startup, start-up business, idea, universities, students, graduates, experiences