Distribuční strategie vybraného produktu
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Tato bakalářská práce se bude zabývat distribuční strategií, používanou firmou Jotis s.r.o. Ve své teoretické části stručně popíše pojmy z oblasti logistiky a distribuce jako uvedení do problematiky a dále se bude zabývat hlavně distribucí, jakožto prvkem marketingového mixu. Distribuce v tomto pojetí, nazývána také marketingovou logistikou, se zabývá vztahem nákladů a úrovní služeb, proto také poskytované služby, zákaznický servis, bude nejdůležitější částí této práce. Celá metodologie v práci představená, veškeré provedené analýzy a veškerá navrhovaná řešení souvisí s distribucí a službami s ní spojenými. V metodologii půjde především o způsob změření míry zákaznického servisu vnímaného zákazníkem. Přínos této práce by měl být v první řadě informační, zmiňovaná firma se nikdy nezabývala měřením zákaznického servisu ani stanovováním explicitně vyjádřené strategie, a i přesto, že jistou představu o požadavcích svých odběratelů má, nikdy ji komplexně neuchopila.
This work is focused on the strategy of distribution as used by Jotis Ltd. In its theoretical part, the main terms from the field of logistics and distribution are described. After that, the thesis discusses the theme of distribution as a part of marketing mix, which is the main topic of this work. Distribution, also called marketing logistics, deals with the relationship between distribution costs and level of customer service provided. The methodology introduced in this work, analysis and suggested solutions of some major problems of Jotis Ltd. are connected to the question of distribution and related customer service. The technique how to develop a customer service strategy and how to measure customer service will be introduced in the methodological part in detail. The most important outcome of this work is mainly of an informational charakter. Jotis Ltd. has never thought about measuring their level of customer service and, even though their customers are generally satisfied, the company has not explicitly stated the customer service standards.
This work is focused on the strategy of distribution as used by Jotis Ltd. In its theoretical part, the main terms from the field of logistics and distribution are described. After that, the thesis discusses the theme of distribution as a part of marketing mix, which is the main topic of this work. Distribution, also called marketing logistics, deals with the relationship between distribution costs and level of customer service provided. The methodology introduced in this work, analysis and suggested solutions of some major problems of Jotis Ltd. are connected to the question of distribution and related customer service. The technique how to develop a customer service strategy and how to measure customer service will be introduced in the methodological part in detail. The most important outcome of this work is mainly of an informational charakter. Jotis Ltd. has never thought about measuring their level of customer service and, even though their customers are generally satisfied, the company has not explicitly stated the customer service standards.
Distribuční strategie, zákaznický servis, odběratelé, Strategy of distribution, customer service, purchasers