Nepoučitelný člověk (charakteristika vybraných postav v antiutopiích Karla Čapka)
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Bakalářská práce se věnuje varovnému úsilí spisovatele Karla Čapka, který se prostřednictvím svých děl (zejména těch dystopických) vyslovoval k nejzávažnějším problémům lidstva. Z jeho dystopické tvorby se práce zaměřuje na čtyři zástupce. Díla jsou nejprve jednotlivě rozebírána, přičemž důraz je při rozboru kladen na charakteristiku chování románových postav, rovněž pak na konkrétní formy varování a řešení, které jsou v každé dystopii obsaženy. Následně jsou tyto dystopie porovnávány mezi sebou a jsou vytyčeny jejich společné znaky. Práce se dále zajímá o vztah mezi Čapkovou literaturou a tím, jak na ni reagují soudobí čtenáři. Pozornost je zaměřena mimo jiné na míru vlivu dystopické literatury na čtenáře - v souvislosti s tím se práce snaží zodpovědět otázky týkající se lidské nepoučitelnosti coby trvalého znaku naší společnosti, respektive proč nás například právě dystopická literatura stále nedokáže dostatečně poučit, třebaže s jejími východisky souhlasíme a všech hrozeb jsme si plně vědomi.
This bachelor thesis gives a general overview of Karel Čapek in the role of the dystopian writer and his lifelong efforts to express his concerns about issues of humanity and society and to warn the people about their weaknesses. His dystopian works are well known for their precise description and prescience of reality and as we know, there are many high-quality dystopian works written by him, yet this thesis will only focus on 4 of them. Each of the novel analyses will not only include the characteristics of the behaviour of the main novel characters, but also will highlight the novel's warnings and messages. This itself creates all the data that are necessary for our later use, because entire practical part of the thesis compares and contrasts Čapek's warnings and the young readers' response to Čapek's work, which leads into dealing with the real impact of the dystopian literature on our lives; in other words; this thesis tries to answer the tough question: Why are humans still so incorrigible despite all the dystopian (and not only dystopian) warnings? We are fully aware of those warnings and we often agree with what is written in dystopian novels, yet still we do repeat all the mistakes of our ancestors. This thesis will try to explain why is this happening.
This bachelor thesis gives a general overview of Karel Čapek in the role of the dystopian writer and his lifelong efforts to express his concerns about issues of humanity and society and to warn the people about their weaknesses. His dystopian works are well known for their precise description and prescience of reality and as we know, there are many high-quality dystopian works written by him, yet this thesis will only focus on 4 of them. Each of the novel analyses will not only include the characteristics of the behaviour of the main novel characters, but also will highlight the novel's warnings and messages. This itself creates all the data that are necessary for our later use, because entire practical part of the thesis compares and contrasts Čapek's warnings and the young readers' response to Čapek's work, which leads into dealing with the real impact of the dystopian literature on our lives; in other words; this thesis tries to answer the tough question: Why are humans still so incorrigible despite all the dystopian (and not only dystopian) warnings? We are fully aware of those warnings and we often agree with what is written in dystopian novels, yet still we do repeat all the mistakes of our ancestors. This thesis will try to explain why is this happening.
Karel Čapek, dystopie, RUR, Továrna na Absolutno, Krakatit, Válka s Mloky, lidská nepoučitelnost, literární varování a řešení, chování a charakteristika literárních postav, technický pokrok, dotazníkové šetření, čtenářské názory, Karel Čapek, dystopian literature, RUR, The Absolute at Large, Krakatit, War with the newts, the incorrigible human, dystopian warnings and solutions, the characteristics of the behaviour of the novel characters, technical progress, a reader interest survey, reader-response