Rezidenční centrum pro umělce v Berlíně
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Tématem je vytvořít areál - rezidence pro současné začinajíci umělce v Berlině. Tato rezidence má být symbolem pádu Berlinské zdi, symbolem svobody a otevřených hranic. Tento areál se má stát místem setkání různych umělců ze světa. Má být místem spolupráce a komunikace při rešeni světovych problemů přez umění.Chci navrhnout středisko otevřených atelierů pro současné umělce - výtvarníky, performery, fotografy, designéry... Tento areál je otevřený veřejnosti, a jeho centrem je místo setkáni. Umělcy v této rezidenci tvoří, pracují, bydlí, vystavují své díla. Taky tam je komerčni část - obchod uměleckých potřeb, kavárna, noční klub, plochy na pronájem jako coworkingové kanceláře a malé byty. Je to centrum pracujíci od rána do noci.
The project focuses on designing environment for artists in Berlin. In memory of the twenty-five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the barrier that divided the party to Soviet influence from the US during the Cold War years, the project focuses on one of the neighborhoods that, in the last decade, is undergoing a clear growth phase. The Kreuzberg, near the Fredrichshain,is an area that is close to the River Spree and the past dividing curtain of which are still visible most of the remains. It is the district where the old buildings are being renovated and where the rental prices are still very low, which is why many have moved to this area. Over time it has become the artists' quarter and is being one of the most active cultural vanguards of Europe. We want to imagine a new residence for artists, an ideal hinge at the back of the wall, at the impressive Oberbaum bridge, which could become an important pole of aggregation. It is here that artists from all over the world will gather to participate in the change that is leading the Berlin of the twentieth century. Which will become the symbol of the reconstruction.
The project focuses on designing environment for artists in Berlin. In memory of the twenty-five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the barrier that divided the party to Soviet influence from the US during the Cold War years, the project focuses on one of the neighborhoods that, in the last decade, is undergoing a clear growth phase. The Kreuzberg, near the Fredrichshain,is an area that is close to the River Spree and the past dividing curtain of which are still visible most of the remains. It is the district where the old buildings are being renovated and where the rental prices are still very low, which is why many have moved to this area. Over time it has become the artists' quarter and is being one of the most active cultural vanguards of Europe. We want to imagine a new residence for artists, an ideal hinge at the back of the wall, at the impressive Oberbaum bridge, which could become an important pole of aggregation. It is here that artists from all over the world will gather to participate in the change that is leading the Berlin of the twentieth century. Which will become the symbol of the reconstruction.
rezidence, umělce, Berlin, zed, Nemecko, artists, Berlin, residensy, Kreuzberg, Fredrichshain, River Spreen, Germani