Studentské bydlení pod Vyšehradem
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Na jihovýchodní straně strmé Přemyslovy ulice v Praze 2 je bloková zástavba přerušena trafostanicí. Dané místo má výhled do zeleně pod vyšehradem a je vzdáleno cca 300 metrů od kampusu Karlovy university. Do proluky je navržen objekt pro ubytování studentů.
On the southeast side of a steep Přemysl's street in Prague 2 is a block of buildings interrupted by a transformer station. The place have a view to the vegetation under Vyšehrad and is located about 300 meters from campus of Charles University. Into the vacant space is designed student housing.
On the southeast side of a steep Přemysl's street in Prague 2 is a block of buildings interrupted by a transformer station. The place have a view to the vegetation under Vyšehrad and is located about 300 meters from campus of Charles University. Into the vacant space is designed student housing.
studentské bydlení, Praha, Vyšehrad, student, Přemyslova ulice, proluka, student housing, Prague, Vyšehrad, student, Přemysl's street, vacant space