Specifika výtvarného projevu jedinců se zrakovým postižením
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Cílem bakalářské práce s názvem Specifika výtvarného projevu jedinců se zrakovým postižením je porovnat výtvarný projev dítěte se zrakovým postižením a dítěte intaktního, popsat specifika výtvarného projevu dítěte se zrakovým postižením a formulovat doporučení pro realizaci výtvarných aktivit u této cílové skupiny. V teoretické části se bakalářská práce zabývá charakteristikou zrakového postižení, vývojem jedince se zrakovým postižením, jeho smyslovým vnímáním a představivostí. Dále se tato část věnuje výtvarné tvorbě a výtvarnému projevu, kde jsou popsány techniky, skrze něž mohlo být dosaženo cíle bakalářské práce. Na konci teoretické části je propojeno téma umění s jedincem se zrakovým postižením. Praktická část je zaměřena na popis výsledků projektu, výsledná výtvarná díla respondentů, která v rámci tohoto projektu vznikla. Tato díla byla pozorována, porovnávána a analyzována. Prostřednictvím projektu bylo zjištěno, které z vybraných technik jsou vhodné a které je třeba upravit pro jedince se zrakovým postižením. Výsledky poukázaly na to, že se jedinci se zrakovým postižením velmi rádi projevují skrze výtvarnou tvorbu, jsou-li jim poskytnuty vhodné výtvarné metody a techniky. Dále byly popsány rozdíly mezi výtvarným projevem nevidomého jedince a jeho intaktního vrstevníka, které vyvstaly v průběhu tvorby. V závěru této práce jsou popsánadoporučení pro praxi ve výtvarné tvorbě s jedinci se zrakovým postižením, která vyplynula z výsledků bakalářské práce.
The aim of the bachelor thesis which is called The Specifics of Artistic Expression of People with Visual Impairment is to compare artistics expression of child with visual imparment with artistic expression of intact child, to describe specifics of artistic expression of child with visual impairment and to formulate recommendations for realization of the art activities for this target group. In the theoretical part there a bachelor thesis deals with characteristics of visual impairment and development of person with visual impairment and his sensory perception and imagination. Then this part deals with artistic expression, where are the techniques described through with the aim of bachelor thesis could be achieved. At the end of theoretical part there is the art theme with person with visual impairment connected. The practical part is focused on description of project results, on finished artwork of respondents which were created in the framework of the project. This artwork were observed, compared and analyzed. Through the project it was found out which from the choosed techniques are suitable and which of them need to be adjusted for person with visual impairment. Results showed that people with visual impairment like to express themselves through art very much, if it is provided suitable art methods and techniques to them. Then it was describe differences between the artistic expression of a blind individual and his intact peer which apperared during the creation. At the end of the bachelor thesis there are described recommendations for practice in art of people with visually impaired which ensued from the results of the bachelor thesis.
The aim of the bachelor thesis which is called The Specifics of Artistic Expression of People with Visual Impairment is to compare artistics expression of child with visual imparment with artistic expression of intact child, to describe specifics of artistic expression of child with visual impairment and to formulate recommendations for realization of the art activities for this target group. In the theoretical part there a bachelor thesis deals with characteristics of visual impairment and development of person with visual impairment and his sensory perception and imagination. Then this part deals with artistic expression, where are the techniques described through with the aim of bachelor thesis could be achieved. At the end of theoretical part there is the art theme with person with visual impairment connected. The practical part is focused on description of project results, on finished artwork of respondents which were created in the framework of the project. This artwork were observed, compared and analyzed. Through the project it was found out which from the choosed techniques are suitable and which of them need to be adjusted for person with visual impairment. Results showed that people with visual impairment like to express themselves through art very much, if it is provided suitable art methods and techniques to them. Then it was describe differences between the artistic expression of a blind individual and his intact peer which apperared during the creation. At the end of the bachelor thesis there are described recommendations for practice in art of people with visually impaired which ensued from the results of the bachelor thesis.
zrakové postižení, jedinci se zrakovým postižením, nevidomí, výtvarný projev, visual impairment, people with visual impairment, blind, artistic expression