Umění v pohybu
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Cílem bakalářské práce je ukázat jiný pohled na pohyb a na pohyb v rámci sportu. Jedna ze základních charakteristik sportu je zaměření na výsledek - prohru či výhru. Tato bakalářská práce tento element úplně vypouští a zaměřuje se především na hru, radost a pohybové možnosti. Snaží se zachytit co možná nejvíce různorodých pohybů a sportů, ale zároveň zohlednit i odlišné úrovně, od dětí, amatéru, pokročilých až k profesionálům. Není, proto důležité, jestli je pohyb čistě nahodilý, nebo léty a opakováním propracovaný. K zachycení pohybu byl využit záznam z videokamer, který byl následně upraven. V postprodukci je sledován pohyb pomocí linií přesně podle toho, jak se lidé, jejich ruce, nohy či sportovní pomůcky v prostoru pohybují. Vznikají tak krátká videa, kde můžeme dané stopy sledovat. Pomáhají nám si pohyby lépe uvědomit a zachytit jejich vzájemné vztahy mezi sebou a okolím. Divákova pozornost je směřována na pohyb jako takový a na možnosti jeho vyjádření v rámci jednotlivých sportů na rozdíl od výsledků, tabulek či sportovních žebříčků. Výsledná forma je hravá a vybízí diváka, aby se nebál zkoušet nové sportovní odvětví a rozvíjet své pohybové dovednosti.
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to show a different approach to movement itself and movement in sport. One of the ground characteristics of sport is the focus on the outcome - loss or win. This bachelor thesis does not include this element of outcome at all, on the other hand it focuses mainly on the game itself, joy and mobility. The thesis tries to capture as many different movements of the human body and as many different sports as possible. It also takes age and skill categories into consideration, such as children, amateurs, advanced and professionals. Therefore it is not important whether the movement is random or mastered through repetition. To capture the movement a video camera footage was used and was subsequently modified. In postproduction the movement of people, their hands, feet or sports equipment is followed using exact curves. Short videos showing the trace of movement have been created. These video clips help us to better understand these movements, their interactions and their influence on one another and on their surroundings. Viewer's attention is being directed toward the movement itself and toward its expressing in individual sports, in contrary to results, tables or sports charts. The resulting form is playful and encourages viewer to try new sports and to develop mobility.
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to show a different approach to movement itself and movement in sport. One of the ground characteristics of sport is the focus on the outcome - loss or win. This bachelor thesis does not include this element of outcome at all, on the other hand it focuses mainly on the game itself, joy and mobility. The thesis tries to capture as many different movements of the human body and as many different sports as possible. It also takes age and skill categories into consideration, such as children, amateurs, advanced and professionals. Therefore it is not important whether the movement is random or mastered through repetition. To capture the movement a video camera footage was used and was subsequently modified. In postproduction the movement of people, their hands, feet or sports equipment is followed using exact curves. Short videos showing the trace of movement have been created. These video clips help us to better understand these movements, their interactions and their influence on one another and on their surroundings. Viewer's attention is being directed toward the movement itself and toward its expressing in individual sports, in contrary to results, tables or sports charts. The resulting form is playful and encourages viewer to try new sports and to develop mobility.
Umění, pohyb, sport, hra, zaměření, hodnoty, Art, movement, sport, game, focus, values