Šikana ve škole
Title Alternative:Bullying at School
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Bakalářská práce se zabývala problematikou výskytu šikany na základní škole. Cílem práce bylo zjistit, zda mají žáci 4. a 7. tříd se šikanou zkušenost, z jakých příčin k ní dochází a zda se šikany dopouštějí spíše dívky nebo chlapci. V teoretické části byly na základě odborné literatury definovány dva základní pojmy - {\clqq}agresivní chování`` a {\clqq}šikana``. Dále zde byly popsány formy šikany, její následky, jednotlivé vývojové fáze a možnosti prevence i intervence. Empirická část zkoumala pomocí anonymního dotazníku zkušenosti žáků 4. a 7. tříd ZŠ Bělá pod Bezdězem se šikanou. Mezi další použité metody patřila projektivní technika - kreslení, která znázornila šikanu očima dětí a pro doplnění průzkumu byl veden rozhovor se čtyřmi třídními učitelkami zkoumaných tříd. Výsledky prokázaly, že 30-40% dětí ze 4. a 7. tříd ZŠ Bělá pod Bezdězem, měly se šikanou zkušenost, že se agresorem stávali spíše chlapci než dívky a nejčastějším důvodem šikany bylo podle respondentů vydírání. Na základě těchto zjištěných poznatků, se navrhovaná opatření týkala primární prevence a intervence s využitím efektivního a komplexního přístupu, do kterého by se měli zapojit žáci, učitelé i rodiče.
Bachelor's thesis dealt with the issue of the occurrences of bullying at primary school. The aim of this thesis was to take whether pupils from the 4th and 7th class have experience with the bullying, what causes it and whether rather girls or boys commit it. In the theoretical part was based on the professional literature defined two basic concepts - {\clqq}aggressive behavior{\crqq} and {\clqq}bullying{\crqq}. In addition, there have been depicted forms of bullying, its consequences, each development phase and the possibility of prevention and intervention. Empirical part researched experiences of bullying of pupils from 4th and 7th class at primary school Bělá pod Bezdězem using an anonymous questionnaire. Between other used methods included projective technique - drawing, which illustrated the bullying in children´s eyes and to complete the research, was conducted the interview with four classroom teachers{\crq} surveyed classes. The results showed that 30-40% children of 4th and 7th at primary school Bělá pod Bezdězem had experience with bullying, the aggressor is becoming more boys than girls and the most common reason for bullying, according to respondents was extortion. Based on these findings identified, the proposed measures were applied to primary prevention and intervention with effective and comprehensive approach, to which should involve pupils, teachers and parents.
Bachelor's thesis dealt with the issue of the occurrences of bullying at primary school. The aim of this thesis was to take whether pupils from the 4th and 7th class have experience with the bullying, what causes it and whether rather girls or boys commit it. In the theoretical part was based on the professional literature defined two basic concepts - {\clqq}aggressive behavior{\crqq} and {\clqq}bullying{\crqq}. In addition, there have been depicted forms of bullying, its consequences, each development phase and the possibility of prevention and intervention. Empirical part researched experiences of bullying of pupils from 4th and 7th class at primary school Bělá pod Bezdězem using an anonymous questionnaire. Between other used methods included projective technique - drawing, which illustrated the bullying in children´s eyes and to complete the research, was conducted the interview with four classroom teachers{\crq} surveyed classes. The results showed that 30-40% children of 4th and 7th at primary school Bělá pod Bezdězem had experience with bullying, the aggressor is becoming more boys than girls and the most common reason for bullying, according to respondents was extortion. Based on these findings identified, the proposed measures were applied to primary prevention and intervention with effective and comprehensive approach, to which should involve pupils, teachers and parents.
katedra: KSS; přílohy: 1 CD; rozsah: 86 s., 6 s. příloh
agresivita, agresor, intervence, oběť, prevence, rodina, skupina, šikana, škola, žák, the aggression, the aggressor, the bullying, the intervention, the family, the group, the prevention, the pupil, the school, the victim