Trangenders - změna pohlaví a následné začlenění do společnosti
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou transsexuality a zapojení lidí z této menšiny do společnosti. Cílem této práce je upozornit na úskalí v životě lidí procházející změnou pohlaví a jak tyto překážky působí na jejich osobní i veřejný život. Rovněž se věnuje vymezení procesu změny pohlaví. Mimo jiné je v této práci věnována i část, která se zaměřuje na transsexualitu v historii a její pojetí v rámci identity a genderu. Závěr je věnován rozboru dvou výzkumů, které statisticky shrnují, jak se transsexuální osoby cítí v českém i evropském prostředí. Také potvrzují některé potíže, které jsou teoreticky probírána.
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of transsexuality and the involvement of people from this group into society. The aim of this work is to draw attention to the problems in the lives of people undergoing gender change and how these problems affect their personal and public life. The work also describes the process of gender change. Among other things, this work focuses on transsexuality in history and its concept within identity and gender. The conclusion of the thesis is devoted to the analysis of two surveys, which statistically summarize how transsexual people feel in the Czech Republic and European environment. They also confirm some of the problems that are theoretically discussed.
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of transsexuality and the involvement of people from this group into society. The aim of this work is to draw attention to the problems in the lives of people undergoing gender change and how these problems affect their personal and public life. The work also describes the process of gender change. Among other things, this work focuses on transsexuality in history and its concept within identity and gender. The conclusion of the thesis is devoted to the analysis of two surveys, which statistically summarize how transsexual people feel in the Czech Republic and European environment. They also confirm some of the problems that are theoretically discussed.
Gender, identita, transsexualita, společnost, diskriminace, změna pohlaví, Gender, Identity, Transsexuality, Society, Discrimination, Sex change