Aerobik - historie, vývoj a současné trendy v Liberci
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Tato bakalářské práce je zaměřena na aerobik jeho historii, vývoj a trendy v Liberci. Hlavní cíle této práce jsou popsat historii vzniku aerobiku, a to nejen jako formy cvičení, ale i vznik samotného aerobního cvičení vůbec, a to jak ve světě, tak i v České republice, potažmo v Československu. Dále prakticky zkoumat tři vybraná fit centra v Liberci, sledovat vývoj a současné trendy cvičebních lekcí, zkoumat klientelu, která fit centra navštěvuje a sledovat vývoj ceny v letech 2012, 2013 a 2014. K této praktické části jsme využili dotazníkového šetření. Šetření bylo realizováno od listopadu do prosince roku 2014. K dispozici v každém fit centru bylo 50 dotazníků a zjistili jsme, že ve valné většině fit centra navštěvují ženy. Jejich věkové složení se mezi fit centry lišilo, ale mohu říci, že nejvíce aktivní skupinou byly ženy ve věku od 41 do 60 let, které vyhledávají spíše klidnější formy cvičení.
This thesis focuses on aerobics - its history, evolution and trends in Liberec. The main purpose of this paper is to describe the history of aerobics, not only as a form of exercise, but also the actual origin of general aerobic exercises, both worldwide and in the Czech Republic, hence in Czechoslovakia. Another objectives are to research three selected fitness-centers in Liberec, monitor development and current trends in exercise classes, examine clients who visit the fitness-centers and monitor the development of prices in the years 2012, 2013 and 2014. For this practical part, we used a questionnaire survey. The survey was conducted from November to December 2014. There was 50 questionnaires available at each facility, and we found out, that the vast majority of women are attending the fitness-centers. Their age distribution among fitness-centers differed, but I can say, that the most active group were women aged 41-60 years, who tend to seek out quieter forms of exercising.
This thesis focuses on aerobics - its history, evolution and trends in Liberec. The main purpose of this paper is to describe the history of aerobics, not only as a form of exercise, but also the actual origin of general aerobic exercises, both worldwide and in the Czech Republic, hence in Czechoslovakia. Another objectives are to research three selected fitness-centers in Liberec, monitor development and current trends in exercise classes, examine clients who visit the fitness-centers and monitor the development of prices in the years 2012, 2013 and 2014. For this practical part, we used a questionnaire survey. The survey was conducted from November to December 2014. There was 50 questionnaires available at each facility, and we found out, that the vast majority of women are attending the fitness-centers. Their age distribution among fitness-centers differed, but I can say, that the most active group were women aged 41-60 years, who tend to seek out quieter forms of exercising.
aerobik a jeho historie, aerobní cvičení, formy a vývoj aerobního cvičení, Zuzi studio Liberec, Be Vondrsfull, Aerobic studio Endorfin, aerobics and its history, aerobic exercise form and the development of aerobic exercise, Zuzi studio Liberec, Be Vondrsfull, Aerobic studio Endofin