Produktová strategie v podniku
Title Alternative:Product strategy in a company
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Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na otázku produktové strategie v podniku na pivovarském trhu. Hlavním cílem je analýza životního cyklu produktu a strategií s ním souvisejících. Na základě zjištěných informací je zpracován návrh na zkvalitnění těchto strategií. Pro tyto účely bakalářské práce byl vybrán Pivovar Nová Paka a.s., který poskytl veškeré potřebné interní informace. Teoretická část je opřena především o literární publikace, které jsou věnovány marketingu, marketingovému plánování, situační analýze, marketingovému mixu, produktu či produktovým strategiím. V praktické části je blíže charakterizován podnik, identifikováni konkurenti Pivovaru Nová Paka a.s. a následně analyzován trh. Dále autorka sestavuje životní cyklus konkrétního produktu. Na závěr autorka podává návrh na zlepšení produktové strategie firmy Pivovar Nová Paka a.s.
This bachelor thesis deals with a product strategy in a company within beer market. The main aim is to analyse the life cycle of a product and related strategies. According to discovered information, there has been designed the improvement proposal to these strategies. The company Nová Paka Brewery a.s. has been chosen for the main purpose of this bachelor thesis. The company were willing to provide all necessary information. The theoretical part comes out of literary publications, which mostly describe marketing, marketing planning, situational analysis, marketing mix, products and product strategies. In the practical part, there has been described more detailed characteristic of the company Nová Paka Brewery a.s., their main competitors and then analysis of the market. In the following part, the author puts the life cycle of a particular product together. In the conclusion, the author creates an improvement proposal to the product strategy of the company Nová Paka Brewery a.s.
This bachelor thesis deals with a product strategy in a company within beer market. The main aim is to analyse the life cycle of a product and related strategies. According to discovered information, there has been designed the improvement proposal to these strategies. The company Nová Paka Brewery a.s. has been chosen for the main purpose of this bachelor thesis. The company were willing to provide all necessary information. The theoretical part comes out of literary publications, which mostly describe marketing, marketing planning, situational analysis, marketing mix, products and product strategies. In the practical part, there has been described more detailed characteristic of the company Nová Paka Brewery a.s., their main competitors and then analysis of the market. In the following part, the author puts the life cycle of a particular product together. In the conclusion, the author creates an improvement proposal to the product strategy of the company Nová Paka Brewery a.s.