Kyberšikana na sociálních sítích u žáků vybraných středních škol
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá kyberšikanou na sociálních sítích u žáků vybraných středních škol. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. V teoretické části je podrobně zpracováno téma kyberšikany a pojmy s ní související. Dále obsahuje možnosti prevence kyberšikany a charakteristiku žáků středních škol. Cílem praktické části bylo zjistit, jaké je povědomí žáků středních škol o kyberšikaně, a kolik z nich se s tímto jevem setkalo osobně nebo ve svém okolí.
The bachelor thesis deals with cyberbullying on social networks of selected secondary school students. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals in detail with the topic of cyberbullying and related concepts. It also includes prevention against cyberbullying and characteristics of secondary school students. The aim of the practical part was to find out what is the awareness of secondary school students about cyberbullying and how many of them encountered this phenomenon in person or in their surroundings.
The bachelor thesis deals with cyberbullying on social networks of selected secondary school students. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals in detail with the topic of cyberbullying and related concepts. It also includes prevention against cyberbullying and characteristics of secondary school students. The aim of the practical part was to find out what is the awareness of secondary school students about cyberbullying and how many of them encountered this phenomenon in person or in their surroundings.
kyberšikana, kybernetická šikana, oběť, agresor, internet, informační a komunikační technologie, sociální sítě, prevence, cyberbullying, bullying, victim, aggressor, internet, information and communication technologies, social networks, preventiv