Rehabilitace brownfieldu, Český Brod
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Vlastní téma práce je rehabilitace území bývalého hospodářského družstva ZZN v kontaktu s centrem města Český Brod. Po ukončení produkce se z areálu družstva stalo nevyužité území. Pro malé středočeské město je lokalita strategickou oblastí, důležitou pro další rozvoj obce z hlediska obchodu, kultury i infrastruktury. Cílem diplomové práce je návrh zapojení území do organizmu města a vytvoření místa podporujícího obecní život s regionálním přesahem.
The topic chosen by the student is a rehabilitation of the former agricultural cooperative which is in touch with the city centre. Since the original production has ended, the aerial has become an unused territory. For a small town near Prague, it is a very strategical location for future development, especially for business, culture and infrastructure. The main goal of a diploma project is to include the whole area within the city organism and to create new urban premises encouraging the local activities.
The topic chosen by the student is a rehabilitation of the former agricultural cooperative which is in touch with the city centre. Since the original production has ended, the aerial has become an unused territory. For a small town near Prague, it is a very strategical location for future development, especially for business, culture and infrastructure. The main goal of a diploma project is to include the whole area within the city organism and to create new urban premises encouraging the local activities.
rehabilitace, brownfield, architektura, konverze, urbanismus, rehabilitation, brownfield, architecture, conversion, urbanism