Relationen zwischen professionellem Handeln und biografischen Übergangserfahrungen von Lehrkräften – Der Umgang mit Ungewissheit als eine miteinander verflochtene Verbindung

Title Alternative:Relations between Professional Action and Biographical Transition Experiences of Teachers’ – Dealing with Uncertainty as an Intertwined Connection
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Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského
Technická univerzita v Liberci, Fakulta přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogická
Relations between Professional Action and Biographical Transition Experiences of Teachers’ – Dealing with Uncertainty as an Intertwined Connection. In the article it is shown that, uncertainty is not only constitutive for professional action of teachers, but also for transitions, since the latter have lost their function of providing stability and direction in the historical course of time. In this context, the focus is also on how and with which strategies teachers react to potential uncertainty in biographical transitions and in occupational-professional action and to what extent these are related to each other. In the course of the analysis with a category-based and a sequential procedure, which were related to each other, two types could be identified. With their occupational-related activities to support students in transitional processes to vocational training, both of these types tie in with action strategies that have “proven themselves” in the context of their own biographical transitions. However, only biographical work triggers corresponding resonances that promote professional teacher action.
(biographical) transitions, professionalism, biographical work, uncertainty, biographical research