Vliv hipoterapie a canisterapie na rozvoj socializace u mentálně postižených dětí
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá vlivem hipoterapie a canisterapie na rozvoj socializace u mentálně postižených dětí. Cílem bylo zjistit a popsat vliv hipoterapie a canisterapie na rozvoj sociálních dovednosti u mentálně postižených dětí. Práce je rozdělena na dvě části - teoretickou a empirickou. Teoretická část definuje základní pojmy v oblasti mentálního postižení. Vymezuje pojmy, etiologii, klasifikaci mentálního postižení a v neposlední řadě socializaci mentálně postižených osob. Věnuje se také vysvětlení pojmu Zooterapie/Animoterapie. Práce se dále věnuje Hipoterapii, ve které jsou popsány základní pojmy, historie, výběr vhodného koně a jeho následný výcvik a shrne i účinky hipoterapie. Poslední kapitola v teoretické části je věnována Canisterapii, ve které je popsána definice, historie, metody a formy canisterapie a výběr vhodného psa. Empirická část prezentuje výsledky průzkumného šetření, které bylo prováděno formou dotazníků. V závěru práce jsounavržena opatření, která by měla pomoci ke zlepšení povědomí o Hipoterapii a Canisterapii.
The bachelor thesis deals with the influence of hippotherapy and canister therapy on the development of socialization in mentally handicapped children. The aim was to investigate and describe the influence of hippotherapy and canister therapy on the development of social skills in mentally handicapped children. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part defines the basic concepts in the field of intellectual disability. It defines the concepts, etiology, classification of intellectual disability and last but not least socialization of mentally disabled persons. It also explains the concept of Zootherapy/Animotherapy. The thesis then goes on to discuss Hippotherapy, in which the basic concepts, history, selection of a suitable horse and its subsequent training are described and the effects of Hippotherapy are summarized. The last chapter in the theoretical part is devoted to Canisterapy, in which the definition, history, methods and forms of canister therapy and the selection of a suitable dog are described. The empirical part presents the results of the survey research, which was carried out in the form of questionnaires. The thesis concludes by suggesting measures to help improve awareness of Hippotherapy and Canisterapy.
The bachelor thesis deals with the influence of hippotherapy and canister therapy on the development of socialization in mentally handicapped children. The aim was to investigate and describe the influence of hippotherapy and canister therapy on the development of social skills in mentally handicapped children. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part defines the basic concepts in the field of intellectual disability. It defines the concepts, etiology, classification of intellectual disability and last but not least socialization of mentally disabled persons. It also explains the concept of Zootherapy/Animotherapy. The thesis then goes on to discuss Hippotherapy, in which the basic concepts, history, selection of a suitable horse and its subsequent training are described and the effects of Hippotherapy are summarized. The last chapter in the theoretical part is devoted to Canisterapy, in which the definition, history, methods and forms of canister therapy and the selection of a suitable dog are described. The empirical part presents the results of the survey research, which was carried out in the form of questionnaires. The thesis concludes by suggesting measures to help improve awareness of Hippotherapy and Canisterapy.
Animoterapie, canisterapie, hipoterapie, klient, komunikace, mentální postižení, mentální retardace, socializace, terapeut, zooterapie, Animotherapy, canistherapy, hippotherapy, client, communication, mental disability, mental retardation, socialization, therapist, zootherapy