Wandel von Deutungsmustern in Lehrerkollegien – Übergänge, Transitionen und das Problem der Generationen

Title Alternative:Changing Patterns of Interpretation among Teaching Staff – Transitions and the Problem of Generations
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Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského
Technická univerzita v Liberci, Fakulta přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogická
This paper explores whether the succession of generations can be an impetus that changes prevailing patterns of interpretation within teaching staff. Following Karl Mannheim, I argue that social patterns of interpretation are shaped by generation-specific experiences. One then would expect changes in the patterns of interpretation within teaching staff to take place continuously, as older members are replaced by younger ones. But due to particular dynamics within the labour market, over the last two centuries, always one specific birth cohort was prevailing among teachers (in Germany). At the end of its career, it was replaced by a younger cohort within a short period. This might mean, typical patterns of interpretation changed within a short period as well. This idea is tested by two examples. They suggest it is correct for a homogeneous group of teachers. However, within other social groups of teachers in other geographical areas different patterns of interpretation can be found simultaneously. Considering the teaching profession as a whole it would thus be problematic to assume uniform, generation-specific patterns of interpretation that changed at uniform points in time.
Dr Wilfried Göttlicher earned his doctor’s degree at the University of Vienna. After two years at TU Dresden, he is currently working as a postdoc-researcher at the institute of Research in School-Education of Masaryk-University in Brno. Some of his research interests are history of the teaching profession, history of rural schooling and historical textbook-research. goettlicher@ped.muni.cz
teachers, generations, social patterns of interpretation, social change, 1968