Číslo 2/2022

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    Obraz člověka a výchovy v Esejích Michela de Montaigne
    (Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Strouhal, Martin; Technická univerzita v Liberci
    The study deals with the question of the relationships among the conception of human nature, its cognition and education in Michel de Montaigne’s Essays. In the series of essays, Montaigne repeatedly rejects attempts to base his conception of human nature on antic- scholastic traditions operating with the general concepts of man. Montaigne’s specific Christian scepticism (“new pyrrhonism”) is the starting point and the argumentative method for rejecting the reliability of general concepts and definitions. Whereas scholastic (as well as predominantly entire ancient) philosophy assumed the existence of an ideal species to be the essence that determines each individual’s essential characteristics, Montaigne sees, on the contrary, man in the state of constant transformation, transition as crucial to understanding the human situation. This fundamentally transforms the traditional understanding of the relationship between a pattern and its imitation, into a relationship that has not only epistemological but also pedagogical and moral implications. Montaigne argues that subjectivity cannot be understood against the background of a general pattern, but only from itself, from ambiguities and paradoxes that, on the contrary, exclude, elude any generalization. Human nature cannot be captured in a general concept, it can only be exemplified from a specific experience. Thus, man is much more a transition (from one form to another) than a substance. The aim of this study is to show Michel de Montaigne as a modern and up-to-date thinker who, through his rhetoric and his way of grasping pedagogical issues, has opened up a number of educational questions that are relevant today: for example, how to understand the educational goal in a practical and informal way, how to work in education with the unique and the non-generalizable, and how to consider the relationship between knowledge and action.
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    Report from the General Conference ICOM
    (Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Seiner, Jakub; Technická univerzita v Liberci
    Jakub Seiner works as a historian at the National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius, Prague, in the Department of the Přemysl Pitter and Olga Fierz Archive. His professional interests include 20th century history, Jewish history and Eubiotics. seiner@npmk.cz
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    ISCHE 43 Milan. Histories of Educational Technologies. Cultural and Social Dimensions of Pedagogical Objects. Aims and Results
    (Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Polenghi, Simonetta; Debè, Anna; Technická univerzita v Liberci
    Simonetta Polenghi is full professor of History of education at the Catholic Univesity of the Sacred Heart, Milan. Her research focuses on history of school and pedagogy, history of university, history of special education between the 18th and 20th century. simonetta.polenghi@unicatt.it
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    Zpráva o konferenci: 12. sjezd historiků České republiky. Několik zamyšlení nad postavením dějin vzdělanosti
    (Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Šimek, Jan; Matějček, Petr; Kasper, Tomáš; Technická univerzita v Liberci
    Jan Šimek holds Ph.D. in Czech History. Currently he leads the Department of History of Education in the National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius in Prague. His area of research comprises of the development of teaching aids and the history of school buildings (e.g. questions of the historical development of the form of school buildings or the relationship between reform pedagogy and the form of space for teaching, he also leads a long-term project dealing with the mapping of school buildings in the Czech Republic). simek@npmk.cz
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    A Woman in the Polish Model of Sex Education in the Stalinist and Post-Stalinist Period
    (Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Pauluk, Dorota; Technická univerzita v Liberci
    After the Second World War, Poland imposed a socialist system and Marxist ideology. Communist propaganda proclaimed the slogans of emancipation and equality of women through work. This situation changed the relationship between the sexes and how roles were performed. Moral changes, a demographic explosion, high divorce and abortion rates were a serious scratch on the image of an ideal society for the communists. Sexual education was to counteract the negative trends. The article aims to show the image of a woman that emerges from the publication of sex education during the period of Stalinism and post-Stalinism. The compact publications recommended by the Society for Conscious Motherhood (1946–1962), supported by the communist authorities, were selected for the analysis. The female themes are a mixture of scientific knowledge and Marxist ideology. Sex education aimed to prepare responsible wives and mothers who would reconcile traditional roles with professional work. The knowledge of rational fertility management (contraception) was to ensure the fulfilment of the roles. With an emphasis on emancipation and equality, women were also held responsible for the quality of sex life, the welfare of marriage, family and socialist society. The argument for such an approach was to result from the natural differences between the sexes. The results of the analysis showed inconsistency and inconsistency in the emerging image of a woman and expectations regarding the performance of social roles.