Hoření vpichovaných netkaných textilií
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Cílem této diplomové práce je zhodnotit vliv změny objemové hustoty netkané textilie vyrobené vpichovací technologií a vliv změny poměru vláken ve směsi, na její vlastní hoření. Testování probíhalo dle dvou norem zároveň a to: VW 01000 (PV 3357) a ISO 3795. Po odhalení trendu, byla vyrobena řada objemových hmotností, které je technologie vpichování v poloprovoze katedry netkaných a nanovlákenných materiálů ještě schopna vyrobit, aby byl zmapován, pokud možno celý průběh trendu hoření. K analýze vláken byla použita obrazová a termogravimetrická analýza, která měla poodhalit chování plamene.
The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the effect of changes in the bulk density of nonwovens produced by needling technology and the effect of changes in the ratio of fibers in the mixture, on its own burning. Testing was carried out according to two standards at the same time: VW 01000 (PV 3357) and ISO 3795. After the trend was revealed, a number of bulk densities were produced, which the needling technology is still able to produce in the pilot plant of the Department of Nonwoven and Nanofibrous Materials in order to map as much as possible the course of the combustion trend. Image and thermogravimetric analysis were used to analyze the fibers to reveal the flame behavior.
The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the effect of changes in the bulk density of nonwovens produced by needling technology and the effect of changes in the ratio of fibers in the mixture, on its own burning. Testing was carried out according to two standards at the same time: VW 01000 (PV 3357) and ISO 3795. After the trend was revealed, a number of bulk densities were produced, which the needling technology is still able to produce in the pilot plant of the Department of Nonwoven and Nanofibrous Materials in order to map as much as possible the course of the combustion trend. Image and thermogravimetric analysis were used to analyze the fibers to reveal the flame behavior.
Hoření, netkané textilie, vpichování, PANOX, viskóza, panoxová vlákna, viskózová vlákna, spalovací zkouška, Burning, nonwovens, needling, PANOX, viscose, panox fibers, viscose fibers, combustion test