Číslo 2/2020

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    Hudba jako inspirace Komenského konceptu harmonické společnosti
    (Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Přívratský, Vladimír; Přívratská, Jana; Technická univerzita v Liberci
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    Gerta Figulusová – „dcera českého národa“ z rodu Komenského: životní příběh pohledem komeniologie
    (Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Pánková, Markéta; Technická univerzita v Liberci
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    Ideje Komenského a výtvarná výchova
    (Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Šobáňová, Petra; Technická univerzita v Liberci
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    Škola a sociální pomoc ve druhé polovině 19. století
    (Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Halířová, Martina; Technická univerzita v Liberci
    The paper deals with the forms of social assistance provided to poor children and youth in schools. The specific examples are illustrated by the example of Pardubice town. The article mainly deals with the second half of the 19th century, when under the influence of social changes the charitable activities aimed at children and young people were developed. The article mentions also the end of the 18th century, when education and social care reforms took place, and influenced the development of social assistance in the following century. Two types of institutions were established at schools; on one hand, associations providing financial or material support, on the other, groups providing out-of-school activities for children and youth. These organizations had the same goal – the discipline of the poor in society.
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    Lidství, věda a svět jako konstituenty Evropy a jejich proměna ve 20. století. Příklad marxistické pedagogiky
    (Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Rybák, David; Technická univerzita v Liberci
    This article tries to highlight main characteristics of the metaphysical frame of Marxist pedagogy. At first, it is important to see that the concept of ideology alone (in the question regarding totalitarian ideologies) presupposes a very specific metaphysic, i.e. metaphysic of the representing subject and subject of representations-ideas. In such a metaphysic a specific decision about humanity of man as well as worldliness of the world is introduced in the form of re-presentation and objectifying. How the humanity of man is understood? Is there not, under the political rhetoric of ideologies (totalitarian and not- -totalitarian) a deeper common ground hidden, as our reference to the metaphysics of the subject was supposed to indicate? Insofar as upbringing in the European tradition has a sense of bringing man up to his own humanity, there is an implicit concept of human being in every concept of education. And insofar as man is not only an object in the world but also the “subject for the world” (Husserl), every such concept is arising from the correlation man-world. We would like to look more closely at the conditions of this correlation man-world in 20th century.