Využití metody plánovaného experimentu k návrhu vhodného designu plastové krytky
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Tato diplomová práce se zabývá průmyslovým experimentem zaměřeným na designvýrobku. Cílem této diplomové práce je využitelnost metody plánovaného experimentu(DOE) na tvorbě či optimalizaci designu výrobku. Práce popisuje přístup k návrhuexperimentu, stanovení klíčových a zkoumaných faktorů, jejich okrajových podmínek,s využitím programu Minitab. V teoretické části budou popsány jednotlivé části návrhuexperimentu. Samotný experiment bude rozebrán ve druhé části této diplomové práce.Experiment se zabývá optimalizací plastové krytky pro tlumič pérování, jehož designem seautor zabývá v rámci svého profesního zaměření. V praktické části byly jednotlivé faktoryměřeny a jejich závislosti hodnoceny. Závěrem byla jednotlivá měření zohledněna ve finálníverzi designu pro daný produkt a porovnána s očekáváními.
This diploma thesis deal with the design of experiment (DOE), focusing on plastic bumpercap design. Aim of the diploma thesis is the usage of the Design of experiment method atproduct design or its optimization. The thesis describes the approach of the method itself,key factors research and its determination, its boundary conditions, by using the Minitabsoftware. The theoretical part consist of individual parts of DOE process. The experimentitself is to be solved in a second part of the thesis. The experiment deals with an optimizationof the plastic bumper cap for a shock absorber, whose design definition being part of author'sprofessional focus. In a practical part of the thesis, the each individual factors were measureand its correlations evaluated. At the end, all the measured factors were consider in a finaldesign definition, key characteristic measured and results compared with the expectations.
This diploma thesis deal with the design of experiment (DOE), focusing on plastic bumpercap design. Aim of the diploma thesis is the usage of the Design of experiment method atproduct design or its optimization. The thesis describes the approach of the method itself,key factors research and its determination, its boundary conditions, by using the Minitabsoftware. The theoretical part consist of individual parts of DOE process. The experimentitself is to be solved in a second part of the thesis. The experiment deals with an optimizationof the plastic bumper cap for a shock absorber, whose design definition being part of author'sprofessional focus. In a practical part of the thesis, the each individual factors were measureand its correlations evaluated. At the end, all the measured factors were consider in a finaldesign definition, key characteristic measured and results compared with the expectations.
Průmyslový experiment, Design of experiments, plastová krytka, Minitab, DOE, faktory, Design of experiment, plastic bumper cap, Minitab, factors