Proměna vztahu dětí ke knize a čtenářství
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Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na popis změn vztahu dětí ke knize a čtenářství. Tyto změny výrazně ovlivňuje věkové období, ve kterém se dítě momentálně nachází. Cílem práce je tedy zjistit, jaký je vztah dětí ke čtení jako způsobu trávení volného času a analyzovat obsah a podmínky dětské četby od nejútlejšího věku po mladší školní věk. Na základě ŠVP škol dotazovaných žáků a studia odborné literatury byl vytvořen dotazníkpro rodiče předškolních dětí a rodiče žáků 1. - 3. tříd a dotazník pro žáky 4. - 5. tříd základní školy. Pro doplnění informací nám posloužily krátké rozvory s několika učitelkami mateřských škol. Tímto dotazníkovým šetřením jsme se snažili analyzovat a posoudit preference v četbě jednotlivých dětí a navrhnout seznam doporučené literatury pro jednotlivá věková období.V teoretické části se opíráme o studium odborné literatury a na jejím základě vymezujeme pojmy čtenářská gramotnost, čtenářské kompetence a další související pojmy. Zabýváme se také významem čtenářství v životě dítěte a faktory, které jej ovlivňují. Rozebíráme zde i vývojové hledisko dětí ve vztahu ke knize a čtenářství.Druhá část práce se skládá z výzkumu a jeho vyhodnocení, na jehož základě je vytvořen seznam doporučené literatury pro děti předškolního a mladšího školního věku.
The diploma thesis focuses on a description how the relationship of children to reading a book has changed so far. These changes are influenced mainly by the age of children. Therefore the aim of this thesis is to find out children's relationship to reading as a way of spending their free time. Another aim is to analyse contents and circumstances of children's reading from an early age to the fifth grade of the elementary school.A survey for parents of pre-school children and children attending 1st to 3rd grade and a survey for children attending 4th to 5th grade were created based on School Education Programme and study of specialized literature. Moreover pre-school children teachers were briefly interview in order to complement gained information. The aim of the survey was to analyse preferences in reading of an individual readers and to suggest a list of recommended literature for the certain age period.According to the studied specialised literature, which occurs in the theoretical part, some concepts were defined such as reading skills, reading competence and other related concepts. This part also deals with the mutual meaning of reading in the life of children and factors which influence their lives. The relationship between children and reading books is also analysed.The practical part deals with research and its assessment. A list of recommended literature for pre-school children and early elementary school children is created there based on the research.
The diploma thesis focuses on a description how the relationship of children to reading a book has changed so far. These changes are influenced mainly by the age of children. Therefore the aim of this thesis is to find out children's relationship to reading as a way of spending their free time. Another aim is to analyse contents and circumstances of children's reading from an early age to the fifth grade of the elementary school.A survey for parents of pre-school children and children attending 1st to 3rd grade and a survey for children attending 4th to 5th grade were created based on School Education Programme and study of specialized literature. Moreover pre-school children teachers were briefly interview in order to complement gained information. The aim of the survey was to analyse preferences in reading of an individual readers and to suggest a list of recommended literature for the certain age period.According to the studied specialised literature, which occurs in the theoretical part, some concepts were defined such as reading skills, reading competence and other related concepts. This part also deals with the mutual meaning of reading in the life of children and factors which influence their lives. The relationship between children and reading books is also analysed.The practical part deals with research and its assessment. A list of recommended literature for pre-school children and early elementary school children is created there based on the research.
čtenářství, čtenářská gramotnost, četba ve volném čase, změna vztahu ke čtení, doporučená literatura, reading, reading skills, reading in free time, change of the relationship to reading, recommended literature