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    Till death do us part. Do customers cheat on brands?
    (Technická Univerzita v Liberci, ) Klepek, Martin; Toth, Lukas; Ekonomická fakulta
    Some companies, based on the beliefs of their managers, aim to obtain solely loyal customers in the hope that these customers will always buy only one brand and never cheat by buying a competitor’s brand. However, a growing body of empirical research suggests that this may be an overly positive expectation and that this marketing strategy can run counter to the nature of the consumer. To scrutinize the sole loyal buyer idea, this study empirically examines the phenomenon of duplication of purchase, which suggests that customers not only buy from repertoire but also that brands share customers in proportion to their market share. Data were drawn from two consumer packaged goods categories: beer (10 brands), soft drinks (6 brands), and eight NUTS2 regions. Using a robust sample of 3,488 customers from a consumer panel and many sets of data approach, the research replicated significant patterns of duplication of purchase in both categories studied and across all regions. The findings support the notion that while consumers are likely to repurchase a brand previously purchased, they also frequently diversify their choices between competing brands. Therefore, the study confirms the generalisability of duplication of purchase behaviour in different categories and geographies, providing critical information for marketing strategy and brand management. It is a strategy that goes against the principles of how buying behaviour works to try to persuade customers to buy from one single brand for the rest of their lives. A great deal of corporate resources will be wasted in the pursuit of sole loyalty.
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    The essence and barriers to the use of controlling in the practice of manufacturing enterprises
    (Technická Univerzita v Liberci, ) Potkany, Marek; Musa, Hussam; Schmidtova, Jarmila; Gejdos, Pavol; Grofcikova, Janka; Ekonomická fakulta
    The theory, but also examples from practice confirm the fact that the use of controlling in economic practice differs significantly in the context of understanding its essence. The ambiguity of the definition of controlling, two different thought concepts, the diversity of tools and approaches, but also other barriers prevent its use to a greater extent than this managerial approach would deserve. The current research is based on the understanding of the essence of controlling in German-speaking countries and is oriented towards a coordinated predictive management approach based on precise cost reports. The research question was aimed at identifying current use and barriers of controlling in manufacturing enterprises in relation to the understanding of its essence and impact of performance through a questionnaire survey and structured interviews with managers from 2021 to 2022. A population of 2,504 enterprises was addressed by means of stratified sampling. The chi-square goodness- of-fit test was used to test how well the characteristics of the research sample fit the final population. A total of 352 manufacturing enterprises formed the resulting sample representative – enterprise size and type of industry designated according to the European standard industry classification system. Methods of contingency analysis and interval estimates of the population proportion were used to test the stated hypotheses. The testing confirmed a dependence between the practical use of a broader scale of controlling tools and the performance of enterprises measured by the return on sales (ROS) indicator, as well as the difference in the perception of barriers to the implementation of controlling depending on the size of enterprises. Controlling with the assistance of software support of the management information system, with a detailed implementation process and precisely defined competencies of employees and controllable KPI, creates the potential to increase the complexity of management and performance of enterprises as well as the elimination of potential risks.
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    Factors influencing career sustainability in Saudi Arabian banks: A PLS-SEM analysis
    (Technická Univerzita v Liberci, ) Parveen, Musrrat; Alshehri, Amal Awadh Hadi; Ekonomická fakulta
    This research delves into the correlation between organizational career growth and its impact on career sustainability among employees in the Saudi Arabian banking sector. It also explores the mediating influence of task performance and organizational citizenship behavior. Utilizing self-reported online questionnaires, data was collected from employees in Jeddah and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, working in both private and public banks. Approximately 255 surveys were gathered, and thorough scrutiny of the data was conducted to identify any instances of common bias, duplication, or missing values. Following this data cleaning process, a sample size of 200 was retained for subsequent analysis. The survey, conducted over a month from December 2022 to January 2023, targeted four key factors: organizational career growth (OCG), organizational citizenship behavior, task performance, and career sustainability. The study utilized partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and path analysis, a combination that allows observed variables to represent latent variables while elucidating causal relationships between them. The findings showed that organizational career growth has a positive and significant influence on organizational citizenship behavior, task performance, and career sustainability. The SRMR value of 0.078 indicates a good fit between the observed data and the model; while the normed fit index (NFI) score of 0.957 shows that the model fits the data well. In addition, the study utilized the blindfolding technique to evaluate the model’s predictive validity. The results show that organizational career growth exerts a moderate effect on both task performance (Q2 = 0.218, Q2 = medium effect) and career sustainability (Q2 = 0.281, Q2 = medium effect) and has a limited impact on organizational citizenship behavior (Q2 = 0.136, Q2 = small effect). Expanded career opportunities within the organization led to better task performance and organizational citizenship behavior, indirectly boosting employees’ career sustainability in banking sector. Detailed managerial insights are also provided.
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    Multiscale non-linear tale risk spillover effect from oil to stocks – The case of East European emerging markets
    (Technická Univerzita v Liberci, ) Zivkov, Dejan; Kuzman, Boris; Papic-Blagojevic, Natasa; Ekonomická fakulta
    This paper investigates the multiscale non-linear risk transmission effect from Brent oil to eleven European emerging stock markets. Dynamic extreme risk time series are created using the FIAPARCH-CVaR approach. The MODWT transformation is applied to make three wavelet details that represent different time horizons. In the final step, the MODWT time series are fitted into the Markov switching model to examine the spillover phenomenon. The results indicate that the Czech and Hungarian stock markets endure the spillover effect in crisis regime in the short term, probably because these markets are among the most efficient emerging European markets. On the other hand, a relatively high spillover effect is found in a peaceful rather than a crisis regime in the case of Poland. This is probably because the Polish index lists almost 300 stocks, which means that oil shocks disperse to a large number of different industry sectors. In small and less developed markets, such as Estonia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, and Croatia, a high spillover effect exists in a tranquil regime because these countries have high oil consumption per capita. Lithuania and Latvia do not report the spillover effect in the short run, while this is true for all time horizons in the case of Slovakia.
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    The impact of chatbots on the buying behaviors of Generation Z toward brands
    (Technická Univerzita v Liberci, ) Holendova, Julie; Svoboda, David; Seric, Neven; Ekonomická fakulta
    As society develops, so do the needs and wishes of customers, the market situation, and especially the competition. The procedures and essential tools of traditional marketing that worked before are gradually losing their effectiveness and are no longer able to ensure a competitive advantage. If businesses want to have a competitive advantage, they must be prepared for these changes and be able to respond to them appropriately. There is currently a generational change in household spending; thus, the customer’s preferences have changed significantly. If a brand wants to remain relevant in the future market, which will be shaped by the new generation of customers, it is appropriate to focus on the Generation Z customer segment. Generation Z is the youngest generation targeted within marketing strategies and at the same time the generation with a lot of changes in product/service perception. Generation Z will be the biggest future challenge for marketing. This paper is dedicated to Generation Z in the market of the Czech Republic. Providing insights from in-depth interviews with Generation Z individuals, this research reveals their expectations, behaviors, and preferences when engaging with brands’ chatbots. The findings shed light on essential factors that influence customer satisfaction and loyalty, such as the availability of human agent transfer, clear robot interaction differentiation, and seamless problem-resolution processes. The paper aims to identify the preferences of Generation Z brands’ interaction via chatbots. The paper will, therefore, provide an understanding of how a brand can build strong relationships with Generation Z customers through an innovative marketing approach that uses chatbots to communicate with customers 24/7/365.