Elektronický marketing textilních a oděvních firem
Title Alternative:Electronic marketing textile and attire firms
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Cílem práce je popsat a vysvětlit čtenáři co je to e-marketing a proč je důležitý také pro textilní firmy. Jsou zde zmíněna psaná i nepsaná pravidla všech způsobů e-marketingu, jako například e-mail marketing, viralní marketing, advergaming, bannery, RSS, pay per click a v neposlední řadě také optimalizace pro vyhledávače (SEO). Dále se zde čtenář seznámí s tím, jak by měla vypadat správná www prezentace, co se týče použitelnosti, přístupnosti viditelnosti a vzhledu, které informace by neměly chybět v e-obchodu, jak by měl správně fungovat a kdy je vhodné do něj investovat. Také jsou zde uvedeny všeobecné informace o internetu, statistiky a ostatní data, důležitá pro úspěch www prezentace textilní firmy na internetu. Druhá část je analýzou www prezentací a e-obchodů českých textilních firem. Pro příklad byly vybrány tři internetové prezentace a tři e-obchody, které jsou hodnoceny z hlediska vhodnosti, vzhledu, použitelnosti, obsahu informací apod. Třetí část je interpretace výsledků výzkumu, který se zabýval tím, jak veřejnost vnímá e-marketing textilních firem. Zda uživatelé navštěvují www stránky textilních firem, zda nakupují oblečení přes internet. Co se jim na stránkách líbí či nelíbí.
This work describe and explain readers what is e- marketing and why is important for textile firm. There are mentioned written and unwritten rules of all ways e- marketing, such as e - mail marketing, viral marketing, advergaming, banners, RSS, Pay per click (PPC) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Further there is how would had look correct www presentation, in light of usability, accessibility visibility and appearance, which information would didn't have fail in e- shops and how should well function. Also there are mentioned universal information on internet, statistics and others data, important for success www presentation of textile firm on internet. Second part is analysis www presentation and e- shops Czech textile firms. For an example were chosen three www presentations and three e- shops, that are assessed in light of fitness, appearance, usability, content information etc . Third part is reading results research, which deal with by, how public perceives e-marketing textile firms. Whether users visit www pages textile firms, whether buy clothing over internet. What them on pages like or do not like.
This work describe and explain readers what is e- marketing and why is important for textile firm. There are mentioned written and unwritten rules of all ways e- marketing, such as e - mail marketing, viral marketing, advergaming, banners, RSS, Pay per click (PPC) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Further there is how would had look correct www presentation, in light of usability, accessibility visibility and appearance, which information would didn't have fail in e- shops and how should well function. Also there are mentioned universal information on internet, statistics and others data, important for success www presentation of textile firm on internet. Second part is analysis www presentation and e- shops Czech textile firms. For an example were chosen three www presentations and three e- shops, that are assessed in light of fitness, appearance, usability, content information etc . Third part is reading results research, which deal with by, how public perceives e-marketing textile firms. Whether users visit www pages textile firms, whether buy clothing over internet. What them on pages like or do not like.
katedra: KHT; rozsah: 43 s., 23 s. příloh
textil, marketing, internet, e-obchod, www prezentace, analýza, textile, marketing, internet, e-shop, www presentation, analysis