Title Alternative:Chicane
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Bakalářská práce se zabývala problematikou šikany a jejím rozšířením na základní škole, především mezi žáky 2.stupně. Práci tvořily dvě stěžejní části. Jednalo se o část teoretickou, která pomocí zpracovaní odborných zdrojů nastínila čtenáři charakteristiku agresora, oběti, možných projevů, příčin a forem šikany. Praktická část zjišťovala pomocí dotazníků určených pro žáky a učitele a formou ankety, rozšíření šikany a jejích forem na základní škole mezi žáky 6.-9. ročníků. Osloveno bylo celkem 250 respondentů. Výsledky průzkumu ukázaly, že hlavní prioritou školy by měla být včasná prevence šikany. Ze strany učitelů pak větší zájem o komunikaci s žáky, což by mělo přispět k větší vzájemné důvěře. Za velký přínos celé práce lze považovat rozšíření vědomostí v dané problematice a v možnosti jejich využití ke zkvalitnění prevence šikany a jejího odhalování.
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of bullying and its occurrence at elementary schools, mainly among the second grade pupils. The thesis consists of two main parts. The first one is theoretical and presents the readers with the characteristics of an aggressor, victim, potential manifestations, causes and forms of bullying. The practical part includes a questionnaire survey among pupils and teachers and an opinion poll among pupils identifying the spreading of bullying and its forms at the elementary school among pupils in the 6th - 9th year. 250 respondents in total were addressed. The survey results show that the major priority of schools should be timely prevention of bullying. Teachers should be more interested in communication with pupils, which would lead to greater mutual trust. The work contributes by broadening the knowledge and findings in the presented issue and the possibility of their use for improving the prevention of bullying and its detection.
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of bullying and its occurrence at elementary schools, mainly among the second grade pupils. The thesis consists of two main parts. The first one is theoretical and presents the readers with the characteristics of an aggressor, victim, potential manifestations, causes and forms of bullying. The practical part includes a questionnaire survey among pupils and teachers and an opinion poll among pupils identifying the spreading of bullying and its forms at the elementary school among pupils in the 6th - 9th year. 250 respondents in total were addressed. The survey results show that the major priority of schools should be timely prevention of bullying. Teachers should be more interested in communication with pupils, which would lead to greater mutual trust. The work contributes by broadening the knowledge and findings in the presented issue and the possibility of their use for improving the prevention of bullying and its detection.
katedra: KSS; přílohy: CD ROM; rozsah: 96 s., 22 s.příloh
šikana, násilí, agresivita, stadium, oběť, agresor, následky, prevence, náprava, spolupráce, pedagog, rodina, chicane, violence, aggression, the phase of bullying, victim, aggressor, consequences, prevention, atonement, cooperation, schoolteacher, family