Movement of Special Colleges for Advanced Studies and its Current Challenges in Hungary

dc.contributor.authorGarai, Imre
dc.contributor.authorSzabó, Zoltán András
dc.contributor.authorNémeth, András
dc.contributor.organizationTechnická univerzita v Liberci
dc.description.abstractMovement of Special Colleges for Advanced Studies and its Current Challenges in Hungary The history of special colleges’ movement traces back to the last decade of the 19th century in Hungary. Furthermore, its European origin can be found in colleges of medieval universities. Although this collective support of talented students has British and French origins as well, the institutionalisation of this movement can be seen as special Central- -Eastern European and Hungarian development. The Baron Eötvös József Collegium founded in 1895 was the first representative institution of this movement. From the middle of the 20th century, several other institutions were established that followed different patterns in supporting university students during their studies. However, the expansion of this movement occurred after the political transformation of 1989–1990 in Central-Eastern Europe. That was a parallel process with capacity growth of higher education, which was forced by changing social perception of higher education and transformation of the higher education policy.cs
dc.format.extent22 s.cs
dc.publisherNárodní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského
dc.publisherTechnická univerzita v Liberci, Fakulta přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogická
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dc.relation.ispartofHistoria Scholastica
dc.subjectspecial colleges for advanced studiescs
dc.subjectsupport of talented studentscs
dc.subjecthigher education in Europe and Hungarycs
dc.subjectboarding schoolscs
dc.subjectteacher trainingcs
dc.subjectlegal regulationcs
dc.titleMovement of Special Colleges for Advanced Studies and its Current Challenges in Hungaryen
local.accessopen access
local.facultyFakulta přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogickáen
local.noteČasopis Historia scholastica je zařazen do mezinárodních vědeckých databází Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCO and ERIH Plus.
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