Automatizace dopravního průzkumu ulic
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Diplomová práce se zabývá tvorbou systému pro dopravní průzkum ulic, ten je tvořen mobilní Android aplikací s webovou Node.js aplikací. Teoretická část se zaměřuje na již existující aplikace a projekty a jejich použití, s důrazem na projekt Noise-Planet. Následuje popis architektury a přehled verzí, typů práce s daty, senzorů a stavebních bloků aplikací systému Android. Byly popsány možnosti komunikace mezi klientem a serverem, přesněji protokoly a technologie a formáty přenášených dat. Dále byly vymezeny architektury a běhová prostředí pro webové aplikace. Součástí předchozích kapitol také jsou doporučení ohledně bezpečnosti dat a použití těchto technologií. Několik stran se věnuje popisu, co je to GIS a jak může být využit v tomto projektu.
Praktická část detailně popisuje celkovou implementaci obou aplikací, návrhy příslušných databází. Mapy jak v mobilní, tak ve webové aplikace používají knihovny a funkce Google Maps. Na tyto mapy jsou v mobilní aplikaci vykreslovány cesty uživatele a ve webové aplikaci jsou data shromažďována a utvářena do teplotních map. Součástí jsou i implementace bezpečnostních opatření. Aplikace byla testována v terénu několika uživateli, koncept byl ověřen. Práce rozebírá výsledky různých typů a způsobů měření, na základě kterých byly naimplementovány úpravy, případně byla navržena doporučení pro další rozšíření a vylepšení aplikací.
The diploma thesis deals with the creation of a system for traffic surveying of streets, which is composed of a mobile Android application and a web Node.js application. The theoretical part focuses on existing applications and projects and their use, with an emphasis on the Noise-Planet project. It is followed by a description of the architecture and an overview of versions, types of work with data, sensors, and building blocks of the Android system appli-cations. The possibilities of communication between the client and the server were de-scribed, more precisely the protocols, technologies, and formats of transmitted data. Further-more, architectures and runtime environments for web applications were defined. Part of the previous chapters also includes recommendations regarding data security and the correct use of these technologies. Several pages are devoted to describing what GIS is and how it can be used in this project. The practical part describes in detail the overall implementation of both applications and designs of databases. Maps in both the mobile and web applications utilize libraries and features of Google Maps. These maps are used in the mobile application to plot the user's routes and in the web application to gather data and visualize into heat maps. Implementa-tions of security measures are also included. The application was field tested by several users and the concept was validated. The work discusses the results of various types and methods of measurement, based on which modifications were implemented, or recommendations were proposed for further expansion and improvement of the applications.
The diploma thesis deals with the creation of a system for traffic surveying of streets, which is composed of a mobile Android application and a web Node.js application. The theoretical part focuses on existing applications and projects and their use, with an emphasis on the Noise-Planet project. It is followed by a description of the architecture and an overview of versions, types of work with data, sensors, and building blocks of the Android system appli-cations. The possibilities of communication between the client and the server were de-scribed, more precisely the protocols, technologies, and formats of transmitted data. Further-more, architectures and runtime environments for web applications were defined. Part of the previous chapters also includes recommendations regarding data security and the correct use of these technologies. Several pages are devoted to describing what GIS is and how it can be used in this project. The practical part describes in detail the overall implementation of both applications and designs of databases. Maps in both the mobile and web applications utilize libraries and features of Google Maps. These maps are used in the mobile application to plot the user's routes and in the web application to gather data and visualize into heat maps. Implementa-tions of security measures are also included. The application was field tested by several users and the concept was validated. The work discusses the results of various types and methods of measurement, based on which modifications were implemented, or recommendations were proposed for further expansion and improvement of the applications.
mobilní aplikace, webová aplikace, Android, iOS, Node.js, bezpečnost, hluk, hlasitost, GIS, geografický informační systém, Noise-Planet, Google Maps, Google mapy, ulice, doprava, průzkum, cesta, teplotní mapa, automatizace, server, komunikace, databáze, senzor, REST, GPS, mikrofon, SQLite, MariaDB