Dopady ekonomické krize na hospodaření společnosti VAPOS
Title Alternative:Impact of Economics Crisis on VAPOS Economy
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Téma této bakalářské práce jsou dopady ekonomické krize na hospodaření společnosti VAPOS. Cílem této práce je analýza podniku a dopadů ekonomické krize na daný podnik. Práce nejdříve popisuje ekonomickou krizi, její důsledky zejména na Českou republiku a automobilový průmysl. Poté jsou popsány malé a střední podniky, určování jejich velikosti a řízení během krize. Jsou zde uvedena i možná řešení krizových situací v podniku. V praktické části jsou aplikovány teoretické poznatky a východiska na společnost VAPOS. Tento střední podnik provozuje svou činnost v automobilovém průmyslu. Jsou zde popsány činnosti podniku a jeho historie. Dále práce pomocí finanční analýzy porovnává hospodaření společnosti v období krize s léty krizi přecházejícími a následujícími. Ke konci bakalářské práce je zhodnoceno hospodaření a řízení podniku a je mu doporučeno několik opatření, kterými by se měl řídit.
The theme of this bachelor thesis is the impacts of the economic crisis on VAPOS economy. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the business and the impacts of the economic crisis on the given enterprise. The paper first describes the economic crisis, its consequences mainly on the Czech Republic and the automotive industry. Then, small and medium-sized enterprises are described, their size and management during the crisis. Here are mentioned some possible solutions to crisis situations in the company. In the practical part are applied the theoretical knowledge and the basis for VAPOS. This medium-sized enterprise operates in the automotive industry. Here are described the activities of the business and its history. Furthermore, the work by means of financial analysis compares the company's performance in times of crisis with years of crisis passing through and following. At the end of the bachelor thesis, the economy and management of the company is evaluated and several measures are recommended to follow.
The theme of this bachelor thesis is the impacts of the economic crisis on VAPOS economy. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the business and the impacts of the economic crisis on the given enterprise. The paper first describes the economic crisis, its consequences mainly on the Czech Republic and the automotive industry. Then, small and medium-sized enterprises are described, their size and management during the crisis. Here are mentioned some possible solutions to crisis situations in the company. In the practical part are applied the theoretical knowledge and the basis for VAPOS. This medium-sized enterprise operates in the automotive industry. Here are described the activities of the business and its history. Furthermore, the work by means of financial analysis compares the company's performance in times of crisis with years of crisis passing through and following. At the end of the bachelor thesis, the economy and management of the company is evaluated and several measures are recommended to follow.