Matematické hry na 1.stupni ZŠ
Title Alternative:Mathematics Games at Primary School
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Ve své práci jsem se zaměřila na motivaci a způsoby, kterými lze vyvolat u žáků zájem o vyučování matematiky. V teoretické části jsem popsala známé vyučovací metody a organizační formy vyučování. V praktické části jsem u učitelů zjišťovala pomocí dotazníku jaké pomůcky, vyučovací metody a organizační formy vyučování používají v hodinách matematiky. V druhém dotazníku pro žáky jsem se zaměřila na oblíbenost a obtížnost matematiky, které činnosti při výuce a netradiční formy vyučování mají děti nejraději. Dále jsem sestavila Sborník matematických her se zaměřením na 1. stupeň základní školy. Všechny hry jsem ve své třídě s žáky vyzkoušela během Dne matematických her. Pomocí her jsem si potvrdila svou domněnku, že hry mohou kladně ovlivnit nejen vztah k matematice, ale i přispět k snadnějšímu pochopení a osvojení učiva.
In my thesis I directed towards on focus and methods which we can develop the interest of pupils about the mathematical teaching. In the theoretical part I have described the well known teaching methods and the organization forms of teaching. In the practical part I found out the aids, the teaching aids, teaching methods, which use the teachers in their lessons. In the second questionnaire I directed towards the popular and difficult of Math. as the pupils can see it. The Forms and activity, which children like in the lessons of teaching math. The untraditional forms of teaching in the lessons. One part of my thesis is ``Reports of mathematical games{\crqq}, at doing at the primary part of basic school. The day of mathematical games with the pupils from my class. I certified my supposition that the games can positive influence the relation to Math but also to contribution to the casier understanding and acquire of the subject - matter.
In my thesis I directed towards on focus and methods which we can develop the interest of pupils about the mathematical teaching. In the theoretical part I have described the well known teaching methods and the organization forms of teaching. In the practical part I found out the aids, the teaching aids, teaching methods, which use the teachers in their lessons. In the second questionnaire I directed towards the popular and difficult of Math. as the pupils can see it. The Forms and activity, which children like in the lessons of teaching math. The untraditional forms of teaching in the lessons. One part of my thesis is ``Reports of mathematical games{\crqq}, at doing at the primary part of basic school. The day of mathematical games with the pupils from my class. I certified my supposition that the games can positive influence the relation to Math but also to contribution to the casier understanding and acquire of the subject - matter.
katedra: KPV; rozsah: 70 s.
vzdělávací program, učení, motivace, vyučovací metody, organizační formy vyučování, dotazníkové šetření, didaktická hra, den matematických her, education programme, learning, motivate, teaching methods, organization forms of teaching, questionnaire exploration, didacties game, ``the day of math games``