Prevence agresivního chování žáků 1. stupně ZŠ ve školní družině
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá tématem agrese, její prevencí ve školní družině a pojetím u dětí na prvním stupni ZŠ. Cílem práce je sestavení a realizace preventivního programu primární specifické všeobecné prevence, zmapování pojetí agrese a zhodnocení jeho změny po absolvování programu. Preventivní program byl realizován v rámci odpolední školní družiny. Zúčastnila se ho většina dětí z jedné první třídy. Před začátkem a po skončení programu byly s dětmi provedeny polostrukturované rozhovory. Jejich vyhodnocením jsem dospěla k názoru, že školní družina poskytuje značný potenciál pro realizaci preventivních programů s podobným zaměřením, přestože měřitelnost efektivity prevence tohoto typu s touto věkovou skupinou je obtížná. Za efektivnější pak považuji realizovat program rozložený do delšího časové období, např. v rámci celého roku.
The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of aggression, its prevention in school groups and the concept of aggression of children at the first stage of elementary school. The aim of the thesis is to design and implement a prevention program of primary specific general prevention, mapping the concept of aggression and evaluation of its change after completing the program. The prevention program was implemented as part of an afternoon school club. It was attended by most children from one first grade class. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the children before and after the program. By evaluating them I came to the conclusion that the school club provides considerable potential for the implementation of prevention programs with a similar focus, although the measurability of the effectiveness of this type of prevention with this age group is difficult. I consider more effective to implement prevention programs over a longer period of time, for example throughout the school year.
The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of aggression, its prevention in school groups and the concept of aggression of children at the first stage of elementary school. The aim of the thesis is to design and implement a prevention program of primary specific general prevention, mapping the concept of aggression and evaluation of its change after completing the program. The prevention program was implemented as part of an afternoon school club. It was attended by most children from one first grade class. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the children before and after the program. By evaluating them I came to the conclusion that the school club provides considerable potential for the implementation of prevention programs with a similar focus, although the measurability of the effectiveness of this type of prevention with this age group is difficult. I consider more effective to implement prevention programs over a longer period of time, for example throughout the school year.
agrese, agresivita, primární prevence, preventivní program, mladší školní věk, školní družina, aggression, primary prevention, prevention program, younger school age, school club