Martin Buber a chasidismus
Title Alternative:Martin Buber and Hasidism
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Martin Buber je židovský filosof náboženství, který většinu svého života zasvětil chasidskému hnutí, přestože nikdy sám chasidem nebyl. Cílem této bakalářské práce je vysvětlit pojem chasidismus, objasnit události vzniku tohoto hnutí a přiblížit čtenáři hlavní myšlenky skrze díla Martina Bubera. Dále je zde zachycena analýza děl Gog a Magog a Chasidská vyprávění s cílem porovnat jeho přístup s přístupem dalších dvou autorů: Jiřího Langera a Elieho Wiesela, kteří se také tímto fenoménem zabývali. Nejedná se o podrobný popis, nýbrž pokus o nalezení společného a zachycení hlavních myšlenek.
Martin Buber is a Jewish philosopher of religion who dedicated most of his life to the Chasid movement although he has never been a chasid. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to explain the concept of Chasidism to clarify the events of this movement and to bring the main ideas through the works of Martin Buber. In addition, the analysis of Gog and Magog and Chasid's narratives is captured in order to compare his approach with the approach of two other authors: Jiří Langer and Elie Wiesel who also dealt with this phenomenon. This is not a detailed description but an attempt to nd common ground and capture the main ideas.
Martin Buber is a Jewish philosopher of religion who dedicated most of his life to the Chasid movement although he has never been a chasid. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to explain the concept of Chasidism to clarify the events of this movement and to bring the main ideas through the works of Martin Buber. In addition, the analysis of Gog and Magog and Chasid's narratives is captured in order to compare his approach with the approach of two other authors: Jiří Langer and Elie Wiesel who also dealt with this phenomenon. This is not a detailed description but an attempt to nd common ground and capture the main ideas.