Návrh komunikační kampaně firmy vstupující na zahraniční trh
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Tématem bakalářské práce je návrh komunikační kampaně pro firmu vstupující na zahraniční trh. Společnost, pro kterou je kampaň navržena, se jmenuje Moštovna Lažany s.r.o. Kampaň je sestavena na základě teoretických východisek marketingové komunikace, která jsou zpracována dle českých i zahraničních literárních a internetových zdrojů. V teoretické části jsou dále představeny úspěšné mezinárodní kampaně firem ze stejného oboru jako zvolený podnik. Metodika pro sestavení návrhu kampaně vychází z tzv. 5M podle Kotlera a Kellera. V praktické části je představena samotná společnost a provedena analýza jejích marketingových nástrojů. Pro vstup do zahraničí bylo zvoleno sousední Německo, konkrétně pak spolková země Sasko. V samotném návrhu komunikační kampaně byly jednotlivé nástroje v online i běžném prostředí podrobně rozpracovány a doplněny o grafické vizualizace. Návrh byl sestavován s ohledem na potřeby dané firmy.
The topic of the bachelor thesis is the design of a communication campaign for a company entering a foreign market. The firm for which the campaign is designed is called Moštovna Lažany s.r.o. The campaign is based on the theoretical background of marketing communication, which is elaborated according to Czech and foreign literary and internet sources. The theoretical part also presents successful international campaigns of companies from the same field of industry as the chosen one. The methodology for designing a campaign is based on the so-called Five M's according to Kotler and Keller. In the practical part, the company itself is introduced along with the analysis of its marketing tools. The neighbouring country of Germany, namely the Federal State of Saxony, was chosen for the foreign entry. In the design of the marketing campaign, the individual tools in the online and off-line environment were elaborated in detail and supplemented with graphic visualizations. The design was compiled with the needs of the company taken into account.
The topic of the bachelor thesis is the design of a communication campaign for a company entering a foreign market. The firm for which the campaign is designed is called Moštovna Lažany s.r.o. The campaign is based on the theoretical background of marketing communication, which is elaborated according to Czech and foreign literary and internet sources. The theoretical part also presents successful international campaigns of companies from the same field of industry as the chosen one. The methodology for designing a campaign is based on the so-called Five M's according to Kotler and Keller. In the practical part, the company itself is introduced along with the analysis of its marketing tools. The neighbouring country of Germany, namely the Federal State of Saxony, was chosen for the foreign entry. In the design of the marketing campaign, the individual tools in the online and off-line environment were elaborated in detail and supplemented with graphic visualizations. The design was compiled with the needs of the company taken into account.
Komunikační kampaň, marketingová komunikace, Moštovna Lažany s.r.o., návrh, Německo, Sasko