Nelinearita požiadaviek zákazníka a jej rola pri dizajne a hodnotení kvality produktov
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Vzťah medzi plnením požiadaviek zákazníka a spokojnosťou zákazníka nemusí byť vždy
lineárny, ako potvrdzujú minulé výskumy. Výskum v oblasti nelinearity požiadaviek otvára
pomerne široké pole teoretických a praktických implikácií. Cieľom tejto práce je identifikovať
a charakterizovať nové spôsoby určovania nelinearity požiadaviek zákazníka a testovať ich
využitie v etapách návrhu a hodnotenia produktu. Práca obsahuje súbor komentárov k piatim
vedeckým publikáciám autora, ktoré sa priamo venujú výskumu nelinearity požiadaviek
zákazníka. Systematickou analýzou literatúry, logickou dekompozíciou existujúcich metód na
meranie nelinearity a riešením parciálnych metodických úskalí je navrhnutých viacero
originálnych prístupov a riešení na pochopenie a zakomponovanie nelineárnej vlastnosti
požiadaviek do procesov dizajnu a hodnotenia kvality produktu. Tieto prístupy pokrývajú
úvodné kroky vývoja produktu a pomáhajú lepšie spoznať požiadavky zákazníka a predikovať
tak výsledný efekt plynúci z užívania produktu alebo služby. Môžu zároveň slúžiť ako spôsoby
na vylepšenie predikčných schopnosti matematických modelov na sledovanie efektu
jednotlivých vlastností produktu na celkovú spokojnosť zákazníka.
As confirmed by past research, the relationship between meeting customer requirements and customer satisfaction may not always be linear. Research in the field of nonlinearity of requirements opens a relatively wide field of theoretical and practical implications. This thesis aims to identify and characterize new ways of determining the nonlinearity of customer requirements and test their use in product design and evaluation stages. The work contains a set of comments on the author's five scientific publications, which are directly devoted to the research on the nonlinearity of customer requirements. Through a systematic analysis of the literature, a logical decomposition of the existing methods for measuring nonlinearity, and the solution of partial methodological pitfalls, several original approaches and solutions are proposed for understanding and incorporating the nonlinear property of requirements into the processes of design and product quality assessment. These approaches cover the initial steps of product development and help to understand the customer's requirements better and thus predict the resulting effect resulting from the use of the product or service. At the same time, they can serve as ways to improve the predictive ability of mathematical models to track the effect of individual product features on overall customer satisfaction.
As confirmed by past research, the relationship between meeting customer requirements and customer satisfaction may not always be linear. Research in the field of nonlinearity of requirements opens a relatively wide field of theoretical and practical implications. This thesis aims to identify and characterize new ways of determining the nonlinearity of customer requirements and test their use in product design and evaluation stages. The work contains a set of comments on the author's five scientific publications, which are directly devoted to the research on the nonlinearity of customer requirements. Through a systematic analysis of the literature, a logical decomposition of the existing methods for measuring nonlinearity, and the solution of partial methodological pitfalls, several original approaches and solutions are proposed for understanding and incorporating the nonlinear property of requirements into the processes of design and product quality assessment. These approaches cover the initial steps of product development and help to understand the customer's requirements better and thus predict the resulting effect resulting from the use of the product or service. At the same time, they can serve as ways to improve the predictive ability of mathematical models to track the effect of individual product features on overall customer satisfaction.
Požiadavky zákazníka; Hlas zákazníka; Dizajn produktu; Vývoj produktu; model Kano, Customer requirements; Voice of Customer; Product design; Product evaluation; Kano