Factors determining the loyalty of customers using private banking services in the Czech Republic
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Tato bakalářská práce analyzuje faktory ovlivňující loajalitu klientů služby Erste Premier České spořitelny v České Republice, směr vzájemných vztahů a jejich sílu. Skrze Pearsonův a Spearmanův test bylo testováno osm proměnných: spokojenost s bankéřem, spokojenost se službou samotnou, spokojenost s vybavením banky, spokojenost s online bankovnictvím, frekvence kontaktu klienta bankéřem, image banky, spolehlivost banky a volba hlavní banky. Všechny hypotézy byly přijaty a výsledky jsou podpořeny daty, které poskytla banka. Práce zjistila, že loajalitu klienta k bance nejvýrazněji ovlivňuje spolehlivost banky, spokojenost se samotnou službou a spokojenost s online bankovnictvím.
This dissertation analyses factors determining customer loyalty within the Erste Premier service of Ceska sporitelna in the Czech Republic, the direction of these relationships and its strength. Eight main variables were examined through Pearson's and Spearman's correlation tests: satisfaction with the banker, satisfaction with the service, satisfaction with tangible facilities, satisfaction with online banking services, frequency of contact between customers and bankers, image of the bank, reliability of the bank and choice of the main bank. All the hypotheses were confirmed and the results are supported by survey-based secondary data provided by the bank. It was concluded that the loyalty to the bank can be most significantly affected by reliability and both satisfaction with the service itself and with the online banking services.
This dissertation analyses factors determining customer loyalty within the Erste Premier service of Ceska sporitelna in the Czech Republic, the direction of these relationships and its strength. Eight main variables were examined through Pearson's and Spearman's correlation tests: satisfaction with the banker, satisfaction with the service, satisfaction with tangible facilities, satisfaction with online banking services, frequency of contact between customers and bankers, image of the bank, reliability of the bank and choice of the main bank. All the hypotheses were confirmed and the results are supported by survey-based secondary data provided by the bank. It was concluded that the loyalty to the bank can be most significantly affected by reliability and both satisfaction with the service itself and with the online banking services.
loajalita klienta, klientská spokojenost, NPS, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, NPS