Stanovenie omaku textílií a jeho zmien v procese opakovanej údržby pracovného a ochranného oblečenia
Title Alternative:The hand evaluation of textiles and its changes during the process of repeated maintenance of working and protective dresses
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Témou bakalárskej práce je zhodnotenie omaku vybraných druhov textílií. Tie budú skúmané pred a po opakovanej údržbe. Prvá časť práce sa zaoberá popisom textílií pre pracovné a ochranné odevy, ich konštrukčno - technologickými parametrami a jednotlivými povrchovými úpravami. V ďalšej časti je realizované hodnotenie pomocou KES systému. Na základe laboratórnych výsledkov sa stanoví omak a jeho zmeny vplyvom údržby. V závere sú zhrnuté výsledky omaku, ich porovnanie a vyhodnotenie.
The Theme of bachelor work is estimation of chosen kinds of textile before and ofter maintenance.First part of work describes textiles for working and protective garments, their construction - technological parameters and several surface adjustments. In the next part of work is appreciation by the KES systém realized. On the basis of laboratory results is determined handle and its changes during maintenance. In the conclusion are summarized results of handle, thein comparison and appreciation.
The Theme of bachelor work is estimation of chosen kinds of textile before and ofter maintenance.First part of work describes textiles for working and protective garments, their construction - technological parameters and several surface adjustments. In the next part of work is appreciation by the KES systém realized. On the basis of laboratory results is determined handle and its changes during maintenance. In the conclusion are summarized results of handle, thein comparison and appreciation.
katedra: KOD; přílohy: CD ROM; rozsah: 65 s.
finálne úpravy, pracovné odevy, ochranné odevy, stanovenie omaku, final edits, working garments, protective garments, determination handle