Zvýšení hospodárnosti produkčního procesu
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou zvyšování hospodárnosti výrobního procesu. V úvodu jsou uvedeny metody a nástroje používané ke zlepšování. V dalších kapitolách je zaměřeno na konkrétní organizaci a nástroje, které jsou zavedené v úvodu, jsou aplikovány na onu organizaci. Aplikace nástrojů k analyzování výrobního procesu vede k návrhům, jakým by mohla být výroba v organizaci zlepšena. Součástí návrhů je také porovnání hodnot, které byly uvnitř firmy měřeny (rychlost výroby, časy pohybu, náklady,..) s hodnotami zlepšenými. Navrhnutím úprav výrobního procesu jsou některé z těchto hodnot ve finále sníženy.
The bachelor thesis deals with the problem of increasing the economy of production process. Methods and tools used for improvement are described in the introductory chapter. The following chapters are focused on a particular organization. Methods and tools, mentioned in the introductory chapter, are applied on the production process of the stated company and help analysing it. Application of said tools leads to suggestions, that could improve the company's production. Along with the suggestions, a comparison of measured production values (production speed, movement time and costs) and improved production values is included. With the suggested improvements of the production process, some these values are decreased.
The bachelor thesis deals with the problem of increasing the economy of production process. Methods and tools used for improvement are described in the introductory chapter. The following chapters are focused on a particular organization. Methods and tools, mentioned in the introductory chapter, are applied on the production process of the stated company and help analysing it. Application of said tools leads to suggestions, that could improve the company's production. Along with the suggestions, a comparison of measured production values (production speed, movement time and costs) and improved production values is included. With the suggested improvements of the production process, some these values are decreased.
Výrobní proces, hospodárnost, zlepšení, procesní přístup, Lean, rizika, Production process, economy, improvement, process approach, Lean, risks